Out of storage, was running fine until....

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2011
Ok so my 03 XB9R has been packed up and shipped overseas. I rode it up until the day before it was packed and then drained all fluids.
I shipped the bike 1 Dec 11 and just started putting all together about a week ago. I had to buy a new battery as the old one was toast I guess from age and sitting too long and wouldnt hold any sort of charge whatsoever.
After replacing the battery I had put 1 gallon of fuel in and fired right up. Decided to ride it into work and it ran fine. After a few hours started it up and rode back to the gas station and filled up completely and rode back to work, no issues. I was on a 24hr shift so the bike sat the rest of the night, maybe a good 10hrs. Went out after I got off and started it up but I noticed that it was a little hesitant to start, thought maybe it was a little colder than it liked. Started again and would not stay running the engine did not want to rev very well just wanted to die, even at WOT.
So after pushing the bike home about 2 miles I plug it in and check codes. I was getting a code 13 O2 sensor running lean. Also did a TPS reset and didnt help a bit.
Been doing some research on this but it kinda seems all over the place and could be a number of issues but unsure how to check them all.
From what I got it could be a cam sensor? How do I diagnose a faulty one?
Possibly fuel filter clogged with some crap after sitting for 3 months?
Any other suggestions?
I dont really want to throw parts at it because I have just dumped a bunch of money into it for registration and to pass TUV inspection.
Check your plugs,I have had to change them a couple of times on my xb9r,these bikes remind me sometimes of the old two stroke engines back in the day,they were easy to foul the plugs also.
Sweet i'll have to check them when I get off work in the morning. I just hope one of these parts stores carry something that will work. Finding it hard/expensive to get parts over here.
Correct me if im wrong but an O2 sensor failure would'nt necessarily keep the bike from running. I mean the bike does initially run on set parameters with no O2 input until reaching operating temperature.:p
It just means its running lean Change the plugs and if it runs I would get some green or ethenol seafoam through her as quickly as possible.
It will be a while before ill be able to change them. Went to the parts shop today and they said it would be 2-3 weeks before they can get them since its Germany. I ended up just ordering some off Amazon and should be here in a week or so. IDK why some of these Germans have to be so difficult and unwilling to help. I just ordered a bunch so if it happens again I wont have to wait so long. I'll come back with an outcome once I get them. Thanks
Well I pulled the plugs today and they actually look fine, a little on the light brownish grey side but still look good. So I decided to drain the fuel even though I just filled up with fresh gas a few days ago. Once I started draining I noticed it smelled bad. Maybe a little residual was left in the tank and mixed with the new gas but still. I just put another gallon of fresh in it and some fuel system cleaner but is still not wanting to stay running. Any suggestions?
How about your fuel tank vent? Loosen the gas cap and start the motor. if it runs fine with a loose cap- then the vent is clogged somewhere.
I can keep it running long enough to get it warm and still makes no difference on the way it runs. I also aready tried the gas cap and made no difference. When i try to keep it running it sometimes backfires pretty bad through the intake. Idk what is goin on, cause it ran fine the first time i started it out of storage so idk what happened overnight. Since its now backfiring through the intake is there any adjustment on the cam sensor or could this maybe be the cause and is there a way to test the cps?
Why don't you just fix it?
It's probably saying that the bike is either to lean or rich not nessecarilly that the O2 sensor is bad. But it could be a possibility I would look on how to test the O2 sensor because if it's not reading or sending information that will cause your bike to run like crap.
But like i said earlier the O2 sensor doesnt come into play until it gets to operating temp. It doesnt run right no matter if the bike is cold or warm. I also cleared that code and hasnt returned yet over the last couple of days ive been messin with it.
Does it act anything like this?

This is my old 2003 xb9r and it gave me issues after I bought it where it would take me almost 2 minutes to get a stable idle I replaced the plugs and wires and that did nothing then a tps reset that also didn't help much, only when warm. Eventually I bought an ECM spy cable and went in and messed around with air fuel values and the cold start enrichment and after that it ran like a champ. I don't remember exactly what I did but I did it essentially blind as I have no tuning experience but I got lucky.
Yea thats almost exactly what its doing but it wont idle nearly that well and can rev it without it choking out and dyeing. I really have no idea what I would be doing adjusting those values either but ill give it a shot and see what I can come up with.
possibly a plugged filter, lines or injectors. If fuel was left in during shipping it can cause varnish on the internal surfaces that can break loose and plug stuff up.

Can you hear the fuel pump cycle when you first turn the key on?

Light brown plugs sound normal, so my guess would be lack of fuel somehow.
I looked back and the kid that bought my bike did the fuel pressure regulator and it ran with no issues at all from what I heard last.
Fuel pump sounds Normal, think I may just try taking it to a German HD dealer to get fixed since I can't figure the issue out and am loosing patience.