Parts cross reference thread

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the last picture you can see the inlet holes are small, I guess the oil filter is orignally intended for the toyota Spek, or toyota teanie
I guess the Toyota Premouse might work. Well evidently the oil pump on a car can create a better flow rate, than a buell with inlets that size.
Does anyone have an Autozone (or others) cross reference for the fuel filter sock? Also I saw the fuel pump gaskets were slightly discussed, but was a part number ever given?
fuel pump alternatives:

Manufacturer Part Number Walbro Part Number

AC Delco EP274 521
Delphi 25337782 521
Delphi FE0052 521
Ford E5ZZ-9A407-A 521
General Motors 25116975 521
Hella H75010041 521
Alternative body plastics and battery tray hardware: 1/4-20 x 3/8" and 1/4-20 x 5/8"..........3/8" and 5/8" thread length not including the shoulder, shoulder diameter is 5/16", height 1/4". T-27 security bit needed. 18-8 Stainless Steel.

Grainger: Shoulder screws item #'s...5MA50
Non-shoulder screws ...5MA42
just bought an AC Delco EP274 from ebay, new... $22 and change, $5 shipping this morning, and it's already been shipped:D
more fuel pump alternate part numbers in addition to the Ford E5ZZ-9A407-A, which crossed reference to the following two:

Carter P74635H
Spectra Premium SP1148

can be found at
@ Autozone...$4.99 each...I place the autozone filters next to the actual HD/Buell filters for reference



O'Reilly autoparts has pump strainers, brand name Import Direct P/N: S13004 that will fit the pumps too.
I found a BWD IAC sensor that I'm testing out. Ill let you know. It fits the bore, but one of the screw holes is off by 1cm. Easily seals though and a washer in the forward scew hole holds it. Ill post pics and info if it works out.
For the 2 large O-rings on the fuel pump:
Sur-Seal ORBN151

Called the Harley dealer first, they never got back to me, so I got 10 of them from amazon for $10.
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I found a BWD IAC sensor that I'm testing out. Ill let you know. It fits the bore, but one of the screw holes is off by 1cm. Easily seals though and a washer in the forward scew hole holds it. Ill post pics and info if it works out.

Hey Isique79 from NorCal!
Were you able to determine if that alternate IAC worked?
Hello all, I am new here but this thread has helped out tons, thanks! I was wondering if anyone had a cross ref part number for the 1125 rear O2 sensor HD p/n P0277.1AM . I know its a Bosch unit but I can't make out the number :up:

03 XB9
08 1125
09 XB12XT

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