rc8 or wait for new buells?

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Rc8s are currently available, correct? EBR doesn't have anything concrete for a production bike at this point, right? Still up in the air!

Could be waiting a loooooong time!
The RC8 is an exceptional bike, can't go wrong there. Its not like you can't sell it and buy a 1190 if/when it is out.

The new ducati 1199 might be worth a look too.
Ya 1198 is a nice bike but then again if you put on 7500 miles a year like me your gonna be spending roughly 1000 in maintenance a year.
well NOV 1st EBR is making a "major" announcement .

Might as well wait to see what it is (it's either new team sponsors or a new bike)
Last time a pole was involved in any decision I made it cost me more money than it was worth........ In the end I went home with empty pockets and wishfull dreams.

haha i get jokes[up]
chances are I will be waiting til spring. NW winters blow!
your buddy who has an rc8? has he had many complaints?
the RC8 and Benilli Cafe Racer are my 2 fav 'dream' bikes

it will be interesting to see what EBR comes out with tho
AS long as you have to wait either way, I would just wait and see what EBR puts out. Continue saving, and you might be able to get the new Ducati as well. Then you are a completely informed buyer - rather than assuming that EBR's bikes won't be as good as the RC-8.

Just my two cents. You really can't go wrong here! [up]
Every one is leaving Buell!!!!!!!!!!!! Well Erik you see this?? You better produce a much cheaper model so we can all afford an 1190RS. Or mass produce them so we can reduce the price greatly. OR better yet, allow us to come and assemble our own bikes in order to save 25% off sticker price.:D
I sold my Buell in the spring, bought an 08 KTM Super Duke and I LOVE IT! well built bikes, nice power, never hear anything but good **** from that LC8 power plant. You probably won't regret going KTM's way. I'm not some noob here either, I put over 32k on my 07 Bolt. Good luck sir.
I ride a bike with an LC8 in it, but they're far from super reliable engines. Water pump and seal, fuel pump, VR issues. The list goes on and on. You get what you pay for: an incredibly well-engineered but temperamental piece of Austrian art.