rc8 or wait for new buells?

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Its probably something light like "we got a new better rider for next years Ama season!!" Haha
Quote: I hope the big announcement involves a partnership with one of the major manufacturers...

I hope not. He partnered with a major manufacturer and look what happened. I think the whole fiercely independent thing is working out in his favor and I hope that's what he sticks with.....just my opinion
I hope not. He partnered with a major manufacturer and look what happened. I think the whole fiercely independent thing is working out in his favor and I hope that's what he sticks with.....just my opinion

I guess it depends on how much money he wants to make. I doubt I'm the only one who wouldn't buy a bike from EBR with no local support....gaining a partner like Polaris for example would open his network nationwide instantly. He's no spring chicken, and building from scratch takes too long, if it's even possible in this economy anymore.

He learned his lesson from HD and I doubt he'll let it happen again.
I'd by a bike from EBR w/ no local support. There isn't a HD dealer anywhere in Utah I would trust my XB to anyways. They wont even order simple parts (like right side scoop) claiming all parts are no longer available.

I bought the bike to be an individual, knowing full well that all maintenance and repair work I would have to do my self.

even the 1125r's only problem is that stator (and only on the 09 models) So if he uses the same harness, computer etc on the new bikes, there are already people out there that know how to fix them.
even the 1125r's only problem is that stator (and only on the 09 models) So if he uses the same harness, computer etc on the new bikes, there are already people out there that know how to fix them.

this could possible turn into an entirely different discussion--------being that------**** breaks on sportbikes, not just buells

plugs, fork seals, a buddy just replaced his clutch in a 2009 r1, less thatn 2000 miles. another friend replaced his stator and regulator rectifier in a 2007 gsxr 750. and if **** isn't breaking youre needing tires or wanting to buy something to make it look cooler. everyone seems to want the holy grail of "ill buy this bike since stuff wont' break"

**** breaks on sportbikes, cruisers, tards, harleys, dirtbikes, etc.

**** breaks
My brother has the rc8. It doesn't seem all that fast..... Maybe slightly faster than the Buell (below 100mph).

And it really is only comfortable for short rides.

Sexy as he'll though,

Oh, and it's pretty cool when Kevin Mareano (starboyz) says " I've never seen one of these in person" ... "well on display" but not being ridden....

Big ego boost for the bro.
Ok so this thread is four pages long now and I can't find the OP's decision...did he decide to buy the austrian powered bike or is he waiting on the austrian powered AMERICAN assembled bike to be produced? [up]

^funny **** right there
I like the RC8 as well but I'm not a fan of the instrument cluster at all. reminds me of my graphing calculator