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onelogue...quotes are the same for everybody, just shipping differs.
price of the scoop hasn't changes in all the years i've been here, except for the discount u.s. people are getting due to the economy.
Brightbuell @ badweb said:Posted on Friday, February 19, 2010 - 03:02 pm:
Here is my bike with the new right side scoop on. They do fit a little diff on every bike. He will tell you that. The mounts on all of our bikes are a little diff even the same year welded on the same day. The mount can be bent in or out with a little pressure or a small rubber mallet. My rear mount wass set closer to the out side of the frame about an inch more then most so I put my scoop/ the rear hole behind the rear mount. It fits great that way. Mosst fit in front of the rear mount. It is very expensive. I was told be other buellers on buellxb.com that they have found them cheaper. I could not. he give great tech support after you recieve the scoop. Here is a recent pic. Extreamly high craftsman ship. Here is the guy to contact. If your interested just send him an email.
[email protected]