this post is very interesting to me, so i thank you for taking the time to do so. Very helpful. I have a number of projects and mixing and matching parts from different bikes so this is very topical IMHO, in addition i was down in the bay area a few weeks ago, and met with Alex, aka Squidbuellie and he suggested something on these same lines for one of my projects,,, a 1998 S1 lightning, So its his fault im going deeper into this custom Buell thing.
My bike is black, currently a silver frame, I plan on redoing it this fall and painting the frame and wheels the Nuclear blue (Purple) color, SquidBuellie suggested swapping to the later legs, brakes, and late XB wheels as you have.
So i have a few questions if you do not mind,,,I realize you have yet to complete it, but please try and answer as best you can.
#1) how much of an improvement is the late XB forks over the earlier Tuber forks, and is there a weight difference?
#2) I realize the perimeter brakes are superior, but is it effective brakes (Good stoppers) or a weight savings that are the main advantages??
#3) What are the weight differences between the stock tuber wheel, the PM wheel and the late XB wheel??? (anyone have the weights for these?)
#4) is there any geometry issues to deal with? IE: Rake, trail, wheel sizes etc etc this could be in the steering heads or designed into the triple trees????
#5) How durable are the current XB wheels compared to earlier style Tuber wheels????? I have heard of people trashing their wheels hitting a big pot hole
I bought a set of wheels from SquidBuellie,,,,,,, and shocked how lightweight they are....I plan to do weights and measurements soon, but im thinking i might need another set of wheels for my tuber lightning project.
thanks again