Sad day as Buell shuts its doors.

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This suck's All i can say is thank you erik buell for building a bike that fits me and my style you have inspired me to ride long and hard. the bike you built has gave me more memories than i can count

to this i take a shot of so co for you

Erin in Washington
DUDES, really? all this talk about the Buell Brand Being dead.... IF you have a buell, you are now one of the maybe 10,000-20,000 buell owners in the WORLD (i don't know how many bikes buell has made, probably a really crappy guess) but anyway, we have always been, but are now more than ever, Elite owners of a unique machine. A "Brotherhood of Buell" so what if the company is gone...

Yeah, Harley is a piece of crap that would rather cater to the HA then a younger, funner, more independent generation. Truth is, we don't need a gang to watch our backs. Harley never cared about the Buell, Harley, has never cared about you....

Keep your buell, ride your buell, Fix your buell... SHE is yours.

you now have a Model T of the motorcycle world, Innovation, and a collectors item.

Erik will be back, he is hopefully tired of being screwed by HD, maybe he will hook up with Duc. or .... Start something, entirely his own?

Keep heart my friend. and remember what it is to stand above the Buzz of the crotch rocket!
Seeing as he still has his patents (ZTL, underslung muffler, gas in frame, oil in swingarm) no other company can copy this.

Buell is EXTREMELY marketable
WOW!?!? I'm in shock as well. This has been my hobby ever since about 2005. I know I don't always chat on here, but from a community development standpoint I have poured a huge amount of my free time into this site.

BTW, No more Buell parts coming from the suppliers. I checked today. What we have in inventory at is all that's left. I think we will still be able to get straight replacement parts as HD should stand behind the warranty, but everything else is getting cut off.
I am organizeing a ride from Ukes HD in KEnosha WI to the buell plant in east troy then to either an HD plant or their museum in Milwaukee. no dates yet next 2 or three weeks there are a few people going from buelletinboard. IF you are interested let me know if you let me know in the next 2 or so days you can have some input on a date.
Hd/Buell Tech looking for a new carrier. I'm interested in all sorts of paths, excepted working for Harley. This was the straw that broke the camels back.[confused]
Seeing as he still has his patents (ZTL, underslung muffler, gas in frame, oil in swingarm) no other company can copy this.

Buell is EXTREMELY marketable
but if he comes back, will the name get to return?

BTW, No more Buell parts coming from the suppliers. I checked today. What we have in inventory at is all that's left. I think we will still be able to get straight replacement parts as HD should stand behind the warranty, but everything else is getting cut off.

Ok, this is fuzzy for me still. Where do we get parts, say a shift fork or gears for the inside of the tranny in the next year? Who are the suppliers, Buell themselves or a 3rd party?
a sad day indeed...

my guess is that hd is going for the mv agusta instead buell.
yes, history & name is still a big commercial advantage...

good hint: stock up on aftermarket stuff cause all will go!
yea so depressing... I too feel as though there is a lot more going on behind the scenes between Erik Buell and Harley. watching the video on I could hear the pain and regret in his voice. almost as if Harley was standing off to the side with a gun making him read cue cards. After all of the recent success and new products its makes no sense to me that they would suddenly stop production of such a wonderful Bike.
Yea he started looking like he was irritated when he got to the part about the warranties and stuff (things he prob had to say for HD)
That really sucks.

We are here in RSA so we'll really battle for parts.

This sucks[mad][mad][mad][mad]
We had an economic downturn, nay a recession... But companies should expect that and plan for it. The economy is just starting to turn around. I am confident that all the recent Buell promotion would have begun to pay off by next spring. HD just trashed a great brand and I am sure they will regret it next summer.
Just another example of short-sighted corporate America focusing on short term stockholder dividends rather than long term strategy and growth.

Granted, Buell is not a household name - maybe 1 in 10 people have a clue what my XB12Ss really is - even other cyclists, but it is a unique, American, and very good product. Unfortunately, most Americans don't care. They either want a rice-rocket from Yandasuzaki or an 800 pound pig from H-D. Only those of us who appreciate Erik and his products and what they represent buy them.

So, H-D sees that Buell isn't ever going to be a real money maker and would rather just pull the plug and focus efforts on what it knows.

It's a proven fact that any product that goes outside the "norm" with H-D is a flop. XLCR? XR1000? How's the new XR1200 doing? I don't see too many V-Rods running around, either, except spanking the **** out of Jap bikes on the dragstrip. Buell is just another H-D oddball, albeit with it's own name and factory.

Damn shame....
sad sad day indead . LOOK at what this economy has done to the greatest Motorcyles and company and inovator of the best bikes in the world . this is just another cause and effect of the Great Reccession DEPRESSION , this what will happen to alot america's companies shutting down to save cost , and laying off more workers, creating more and more of a donimo effect to our economy , which means more families lossing everything & homes forclosures and the goverment of AMERICA seems NOT CARE AT ALL FOR US REGULAR PEOPLE LOSSING EVERYTHING because we cant find jobs after we get laid off, I know becuase I have been laid off since DEC 17 , 2008, and cant find work. I'm in constant fear of lossing my home in the next few months (along with my Buell motorcycle) and I am only 1 of 15 million plus (25 mill. if you included the under employed) of unemployed in the USA that has this very same problem. banks cant sell all those forclosed homes if alot of america does not have a job.I fear this plroblem will continue to get alot worse and maybe so bad as cause alot of ANGRY Americans to revolt to some sorts against corporate america and maybe even the government ....

something needs to be done at the highest levels before all the middle class is gone , gone into below povery levels , and america becomes a third world like country. of course this pretty much already true in some parts AMERICA RIGHT NOW.
I was able to pick up a 12R about 2 years ago and fell in love, this February I started picking up Harley-Davidson stock (HOG) at about $9 a share, and continued to pick it up until it got to $12. I've been holding on to it and watching it grow (now at $29 a share, up more than 3 points since the news) but the second I heard that HD was shutting down buell I liquidated all my HD and now I'm looking at scooping up another bike. I'm kind of hesitant to pick up an 1125R/CR but don't know if anybody will work on the Rotax motors. And certainly won't be purchasing from a dealer as I wouldn't give them another dime, however my local guys have a plethora of '09s 12R/12S/1125R/CR that they have since removed the tags from and say they "are taking offers"
Once again, thank you Harley for earning enough on your stock to allow me to scoop up a couple of these soon-to-be collector items. You will never see my business again. This week my stable will be growing, maybe an SS and an MV F4
[sad] is all I got.

Piss on HD. I will not purchase another bike until Erik is the man behind it. I'm so pissed off right now.