DUDES, really? all this talk about the Buell Brand Being dead.... IF you have a buell, you are now one of the maybe 10,000-20,000 buell owners in the WORLD (i don't know how many bikes buell has made, probably a really crappy guess) but anyway, we have always been, but are now more than ever, Elite owners of a unique machine. A "Brotherhood of Buell" so what if the company is gone...
Yeah, Harley is a piece of crap that would rather cater to the HA then a younger, funner, more independent generation. Truth is, we don't need a gang to watch our backs. Harley never cared about the Buell, Harley, has never cared about you....
Keep your buell, ride your buell, Fix your buell... SHE is yours.
you now have a Model T of the motorcycle world, Innovation, and a collectors item.
Erik will be back, he is hopefully tired of being screwed by HD, maybe he will hook up with Duc. or .... Start something, entirely his own?
Keep heart my friend. and remember what it is to stand above the Buzz of the crotch rocket!