Shouts of compliments to my Buell from strangers on the road

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I was leaving a resterant last year and a 20 something year old came up to me as my girlfreinds climbing on behind me. Says"that's the coolest bike I've ever seen"
I said oh yeah, you like buells? He responds with "I don't know what that is, but your bike is the sickest bike I've ever seen".
I then proceeded to the next light and a guy pulling onto the street I was leaving had a smile from ear to ear . Gave me the old thumbs up. I noticed he was wearing a ebr shirt.
No joke, today someone came up to me at college and asked if i was interested in a "trade." I asked what for and he nodded over right next to my bike, to a Honda Fireblade 954RR REPSOL edition. Before i even thought to ask what year, i happily replied "no thanks," fired the old girl up, and tore ass out of the parking lot setting off the same 3-4 car alarms i do on a daily basis. Its funny how much attention i get for a $3000 bike, but i keep her washed and waxed and you add my frame pucks, D&D exhaust, tail tidy, and some cheap knock off rizoma clones and she's one hell of a mistress.
I had a local guy start talking to me about it, asking me what it was, who makes it, blah blah blah. Ended up trying to sell me amsoil and says he's a local mechanic who specializes in HD. I asked him he could work on mine and he quickly said "No". Jerk.

When I ride on base, I like rolling through the BX parking lot, the ladies love it, because it's loud, haha.

When I pull up to Kroger and park it, I always get people looking, and since I ride with a dark smoke sheild, and a black helmet, you can't see what I'm looking at, and nobody thinks I notice, but the guys always nudge their girls and point it out, haha.
I love the way people give you the look of "I think that might be a cool bike..." at a stop light, then when it turns green you hit he throttle and the sound leaves them thinking "holy **** that's amazing".

At least that's what I assume they're thinking....because that's what I'm thinking lol.

I get a lot of looks and a few questions here and there. The best is when people oogle over it like it's a $20k+ bike, when I actually paid $2,500.

The compliments and aw are nice, but the best part is riding it. I love riding this bike, even down a flat straight road. Something about it is just FUN.

And unfortunately thanks to oh9 any time I see another buell the first thing I do is check their gas cap [down]
And unfortunately thanks to oh9 any time I see another buell the first thing I do is check their gas cap

Lol, I cant help it! :p

I get stares but I bet almost every biker gets stared at. I havent ever had any people say my bike is a Duc though or anything else. They just ask what it is, and I say a Buell and they give me a look like oh yeah [confused]...
I have had girls "holla" at me...But still to this day the BEST was back in 04 I had a 12with a race kit and that was about it for the time being. I had just moved back from Phoenix a few months before that and had just gotten the bike. Im making some noise down town where I live (small ass town) and I hear "hey hey" I see some guy in a tux at the gas station waving me in. So I pull in thinking who f is this a friend of mine?. Just then 3 girls in brides maids dresses (they are mid 20's) come out from inside. They guy yells to one of them babe babe this is the kind of bike I want a buell! She says oh its sexy. then he INSISTS that I take her or a she says yeah take me... she pulls up said dress and hops on the back. So we go for a quick ride and I end up dropping her off at the church and.....getting her number!
Man I haven't had anything like that yet.... damn you guys are lucky lol.....

The best I got was going to a bike meet that is local every month I only ever seen maybe 3 other buells there and of course they are mostly stock..... so any way I pull in with my two buddy's from work one had a anniversy r6 and the other a r1 ..... I had guys following me to where I parked to look at my bike......boy does that piss my buddies off.....

The one calls me a half breed lol half Harley half sport bike I can't make up my mind lmao.....:D
I usually get somebody asking me questions every other time I get gas or go to school. I'm sure a lot of you guys have hear "is that a 600?"
the look of confusion and interest on peoples face when I tell them its a 984cc never gets old.
I had guys following me to where I parked to look at my bike......boy does that piss my buddies off.....
same thing happens when I ride to meets with my two friends that ride an R6 and CBR600rr
I know I have been to bike meets with all the usual ninjas, r6, r1, busa's, etc., but it seems everyone has seen them all, till they get to mine. The next statement is usually, 'Oh sh*t, is that a buell??' :D
Then the next statement, "Oh crap, is that CarbonFiber??" 'Dude, WTF!! Your bike is sick!!'

I had been riding for a grand total of 3-4 months (1125R is my first bike [smirk]) squeezing the grips so tight my hands went numb when I'm nervously negotiating a banked 90º freeway transition ramp. Right about then an suv passes me on the inside of the curve and something red catches the corner of my eye. Quick glance over to suv, back to the curve, "Did I just see what I think I saw?" goes through my head. Glance back, yup, that's a chick's butt in a red thong hanging out of the passenger window. :)

I've gotten the "You're the guy that rides the Ducati" before as well. [down]
I also get the same," is that a 600 or a 1000??"
"Wow, is that a ninja?"
"Hey dude, where can I find the 'buell fairings and race parts' for my repsol 1000rr??"

"Hey man, cool bike?!?-What is it?? (itsa buell) A what? 'bull?' (itsa buell) Buell? Is that made by Honda? (nope, its built by buell) Oh, its built by buell?!? OK? I've never heard of it. (Sir, my motorcycle is called a Buell 1125CR and it was built by a gentleman named Erik Buell out of E Troy,Wisconsin.) "Oh ok, I knew it had to be some kind of custom built bike."

This is some of the conversations Ive come across,lol. [mad][mad]
I've also heard the, "is that a 600 (or 1000)?" Love the looks when I tell them its a 1200, i just round as I don't want to strain their brain too much.

When I went to register it on campus, I'm a Buell riding professor, the lady told me her whole family rode bikes. Big Harley fans. Asked me what my bike was and I told her it was a Buell. Buell wasn't listed in the computer system and she didn't know what it was. Gave her a brief history at which point she registered it as a HD [mad].
Wow, mriulvr. Thats when I wish there was an 'other type of bike not listed above' option,lol. I would be pissed if someone tried to call my Buell a HD. [mad][down]
I would be pissed if someone tried to call my Buell a HD.
not this toipc again. LOL
in 2003 Erik Buell signed over the whole COMPLETE company to HD. Therefore any Buell made 2003 or later is all Harley Davidson designed by EB but it is a Harley Davidson. Like it or sell it ,but thats fact.
Well besides the classics.. Damn man what is that thing. I know it's not a jap by that noise.

I always get it's batmans bike lol.

I guess I kind of deserve it haha. Changing it blue. Sometime. Lol

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