Some people get it, some dont, I get really tired of so called experts who have their own opinions and repeat them as fact about the Buells, One of the more common ones is that Buell is dead and gone. Umm, no, theres a new company by the same guy making them again, and hopefully it grows and they move past limited production.
Then there the parts aren't available story's.
Most of the comments i hear are from friends who worry that i wont work on vintage bikes anymore and just play with that "modern Buell stuff" which is funny to me, I also have 2 Italian bikes but they dont seem as worried about them.
So my suggestion is that when someone walks up, doesnt listen to facts and is generally annoying and dumb, then help them down that road and tell them massive whoppers, Tell them they come in 4 cylinders next year, but only special order, tell them theres a new chopper version coming out made by some dude in Switzerland named Tolle, Tell them Australian Hells Angels prefer these Buells over those slow baggers, Tell them theres a optional Supercharger you can buy thats belt driven off the primary and actuated by a electromechanical clutch and a button the dash and it puts out over 180hp made by Druin. Tell them Keunea Reeves just bought the company and is coming out with all new ones next year but needs help crowdfunding, if they log in now, you get a free single cylinder version as a stage 1 investor,. Tell them that Buells were outlawed by the national traffic safety administration because women riders would lose control of the bikes, seems the vibration causes Orgasms between 60-80mph and women would convulse and go off the road or crash, just not safe,,if they say,, "No way,," offer them a ride, but insist on a towell on the seat or they take their shirts off, or come up with your own crazy storys.