Shouts of compliments to my Buell from strangers on the road

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lol yeah he just hates HD so much. He has an sv1000 and he's always impressed that I keep up with him considering he has much more hp not to mention being a better rider and more experienced, though he won't admit it lol. He finally out ran me up in AR last summer but we were on real long sweepers, he held over 100mph for a good while and after 5 or so mintues at that speed on the buell in the 110 deg heat my bike was TOASTY and I decided to back off as I didn't want to cause any damage from overheating. He sure rubbed it in :(
/\ has he riden it yet?

Nope, and I offer all the time. I think he's afraid if he rides it he'll like it or want one lol. I'm joking but am also serious, I think he's afraid it'll be more fun than his bike. He's ridden my previous bikes but won't get on the buell.
I think he's afraid it'll be more fun than his bike.

once he comes over to the dark side he knows (subconsciously) he is done for ,another Bueller in waiting
My sister-in-law stopped by last night to drop off some **** for my wife. I was in the driveway "tinkering" with my bike and she strikes up a conversation with me (which is really odd since we never got along in the past):

Her - Bike looks good... What kind is it???

Me - It's a Buell

Her - I don't get the attraction...

Me - Huh??? You just said the bike looks good?!?!

Her - I like the way the bikes look and sound but I don't understand how riding is "fun".

Me - Have you ever been on a motorcycle???

Her - No

Me - [handing her a helmet] Put this on

Her - Are you serious???

Me - Hell yeah, put this on while I go get my extra helmet... I'll take you for a quick spin. It's gonna be quick because the Eagles game starts in 20 minutes.

I gave her a quick class on how to be a passenger on a bike, and took out for 10 minutes or so. She screamed/squealed/giggled the entire time.

Her - That was amazing (reaching down and touching the seat)... I'm pretty sure I understand now.

Me - So yo had a good time then???

Her - I had no idea it would vibrate so much... I thought you were gonna have to use a squeegee me to get me off the seat....
A Sunday morning about a month ago where I stopped for a coffee,there where a few bikes parked out ,as I roll in the owners are looking over.I get of the bike,take my helmet off,say good morning nice day for a ride,go grab a coffee to go and come back to talk. Before I get to say says "I thought someone younger would be riding that " ouch!
I have to say, this weekend was the first time, I had really had an encounter like this. I have had my Buell since '09, and she never got much attention (with me around at least). I had had the privilege to work as a flagger at the MotoGP here in Indy the last couple years, and always ride when I work it. This year, I got a lot of second and confused looks as I rode by rocket pilots. This year was particularly noticeable due to several Buellers coming out of the woodwork as I rode. One of the other flaggers said he just sold his 12X, in favor of an Aprilia, and then shortly after, I rode and parked next to a 12XP. The next day, the XP rider caught up with me, and we exchanged stories.

This was the bulk of my weekend, and then I was coming home after the race and came upon a car in the fast lane. I will admit, I was doing considerably above the speed limit, but as the traffic pattern changed, the car caught up with me. Then the woman in the passenger seat rolled down the window at 65 MPH and made sure I saw her say "Nice!". It was a great end to an amazing weekend. After all EBR was at the Indy MotoGP!!
A couple years ago I was trying out a new headlight I had just mounted on my bike, cruising around small town VT and got pulled over by a local cop.. He walked up to me, quite focused on my bike with his flashlight and he said:
"Wow, that's a crazy bike, did you build it"?
"No, it's a Buell, made by Harley".
"That's a sweeeet bike".
He proceeded with the usual routine and took my license, registration and insurance back to the cruiser for a few minutes. When he came back he handed me my papers, complimented my bike once more and goes "well, have a nice night, be safe", as he headed back to his car. WTF??
I hesitated for a moment, then asked "sooo, why'd you stop me?"
He said "Oh, you can't have your license plate mounted vertically in the state of Vermont. You have to mount that horizontal", as he motioned to my tag with his flashlight.
Then he got into his car and left.
True story.
My first time going to Deals Gap I had ridden through and was looking for a place to stay. I ended up at Fontana. I happened to be there the same time as a Smart Car rally. I was just getting off the bike when the guy next to me asked how big the motor was. I told him it was a 1200 and he that is more motor than his car!

Usually it's just people commenting how small it is, especially after I tell them it's a 1200.
Man I thought the XB got looks and comments .... the S1 is like a magnet ! ... Harley riders, rocket riders, popo bikers, whoever/whatever is around comes to look at it and/or ask questions ... and even though I've only had it a very short while I've already had offers to buy/trade for it ... Considering I got this bike for $2,200 I could've more than doubled that with some of the offers people have laid down ... There was a few Harley techs here at the local HD shop that were extremely interested in it when I pulled up to get it inspected ...
I've had a few "What is it?"s... but WAY more "That a Ducati?"s.
It must be the trellis frame through them off [/sarcasm]

A few knew what Buell was once I said the name, they just weren't that familiar with them to recognize it (cause it looks like sooo many other bikes, right?).

I've only had one other vehicle that got this much attention... my 1973 Datsun 240z (owned in ~2002). EVERYONE had one, lusted after one, or knew someone who had one. Had people get out of cars at the bank drivethrough to chat about it. Weird.
not from a stranger,but a quote from my wife after I totaled the Lightning last week "your crashes are getting worse and you are gettig hurt less,I guess I'am ok with that.
Your bike sound just like a Harley ( Keda Pipe) I don't think Dean would like that but that's better than something else.