I've flown quite a bit. Worked my way up through instructing, charter, etc. (Even taught basic aerobatics in a Decathalon.) Eventually landed a job at a commuter airline flying Embraer 120's (30 pas, two 1800 horse turboprops, 26,000 pounds). Have around 3500 hours and an Airline Transport Pilot Certificate. Got tired of starvation wages and took an engineering job with the federal government about 15 years ago. Not a day goes by that I don't question that decision, although I'm well paid, and most people would think my non-flying aviation job quite interesting. (I certify new aircraft as meeting the rules.) Sold my last (3rd) airplane 6 years ago and quit flying cold turkey. Been trying to kick the aviation sickness through motorcycles, sailboats, etc. since then, but I'm not cured. Thinking about something like a Rans S-7 or one of the light sport Cub clones, although I'd need to sell another toy first. Sorry about the life story, but this thread touched a nerve for me.