So you got stopped by the police...what are some of your best stories?

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Fairly new to riding a little over 12 months and a few months in one Sat morn 7:30am beaudiful day, country road and no one around...except for an undercover behind me which i was oblivious to and punched it down the road, was pulled over 3ks later to be asked why were you speeding (90 in a 65) which my reply was...just following the flow of the traffic ahead...WOT traffic, do you know the speed limit here?...Arrrgh sorry, no sir! perfect day for riding's 65 can you blow into this bag...sure thing (zero limit but speeding, thought here goes a bunch of points and coin fer sher)...nice bike ya got there...err thanks...just try and keep yer speed down a bit okay [up][up][up] couldn't believe my luck and had the bestest day!
Great response crxtasy. hahaha

I have not been pulled over on my buell yet (knock on wood), but the last time I was pulled over for 47 in a 40. Cop gave me a warning and said good night. Nice guy
June of 08 Riding back from the mall with my Girlfriend (now wife) on the back. We were going down the freeway, didn't check the spedometer till I heard the very loud chirp behind me, glanced down to the mirrors and knotice an Unmarked Charger lights flashing and siren blaring... looked at my spedometer, 95 in a 55... after I pulled over, the trooper got out, asked me if I was running, cause he was following me for about 3 miles, and said I sped up when he hit the lights (oops, I honestly didn't know he was behind me). when he asked for my licence a Truck pulling a trailer flew past, then another white truck pulled over and yelled at the cop "That guy with the trailer must be drunk or something cause he's all over the damn road". The trooper handed me my licence and said wait here... half hour later he comes back with a man in the back seat. Looks at me and tells me "I'll take a drunk driver over a speeding ticket any day... don't do it again!" I got off with a warning. I rode home going 50 the entire way. a week later I got pulled over for running a yellow light with my truck... got a ticket... damn

This was in January I believe. CBR1000RR taunting police but cant out run FWPD AirONE. It follows him 30 miles and for some reason he still is running over a buck fifty. Then, in a moment of karma, gets t-boned while making a right hand turn at 5 mph.

Under normal circumstances, you cant outrun a radio and you cant outrun helicopters. If the cop gets near you at all, he probably has your plate and you lose.
I got pulled over the other day.... wasnt speeding much, I just turned onto a road that was 30MPH from one that was 45 MPH, hadnt seen a speed limit sign and got clocked doing 46 in a 30... $285 later I am pissed off cuz the guy didnt even give me a break. Just out with my girlfriend cruising the town. While I was pulled over a group of crotch rockets flew by at at least 60MPH and the cop was oblivious. bastard!
Under normal circumstances, you cant outrun a radio and you cant outrun helicopters

I'm still working on the Flux Capacitor mod on my bike so that I can time travel. Then I can outrun anyone/thing.
When the fan starts going and people ask what it is, I always say its the Flux Capacitor. Otherwise they wont understand.

agfish18 - thats how much a "passing stationary emergency vehicle 70 +" ticket costs in Texas. When myself and another guy went to court for it, he argued back and forth with the prosecutor and the Trooper and dug himself in a hole. He even tried to present a third grade drawing of the scenario to the court hahahaha. My favorite part was watching myself on dashcam and feeling like I was on "World's Most........". Glad I beat that ticket cause its an expensive one.

upthemaiden - Those would be my awesome friends who sometimes decide not to take care of tickets lol. I kid you not though, ALL the times we got pulled over together, they were the first persons to say BTW I have warrants. And, crazy enough, every time we got stopped they were let off with warnings and were not taken to Jail but I knew that day, someone was going.
im 30
and have never been pulled over
there... ive cursed myself... but its ok.. i made it to 30 :)
@everyother_time Dude I think you owe that drunk driver a huge thank you. That's awesome! Honestly, what did you do for half an hour on the side of the road? I would be so fucken bored. Well, lets hope everyone had and iPhone or itouch to pass the time.
redliner I would love to see that vid but my Mac is a democrat and won't let me visit fox:p
@everyother_time Dude I think you owe that drunk driver a huge thank you. That's awesome! Honestly, what did you do for half an hour on the side of the road? I would be so fucken bored. Well, lets hope everyone had and iPhone or itouch to pass the time.
Honestly I just sat there to nervous to move, it took forever for him to come back. like I said my girl was on the back, after the trooper left I just sat there and waited (getting yelled at by her for speeding). I also couldn't believe that I got away with just a warning! in NC they would have suspended my licence if I had of gotten the ticket (and I don't even wanna know what my command would have done). I can honestly say I'm probably one of the few motorcycle riders that have been saved by a drunk driver. but I still don't like people who drive drunk... its stupid
My first trip to Monterey for Moto GP got us into some trouble, but not much.

I was riding with my brother (xb12r and xb12ss)and two of our friends (gsxr750 and cbrr1000). We hoped on the freeway headed home after kicking it on the row and decided to get nutty. We only had a couple exits until we needed to get off the free way so we punched it. I think my bro and I were doing around 130 when our two buddies went ripping past us. The CHP officer was sitting about a 1/4 mile before our exit. The perfect spot to see us going nuts and we didn't even notice him. we got off the free way and hit a red light. Right then and there my buddy on the gsxr does a preacher thru the light and we notice the chp behind us. OH ****!! My brother and I had a few beers on the row so we knew we were going down. The only thing that saved our ass was both of our buddies took off as soon as the cop lit us up.

We pulled over and proceded to take our gear off knowing it was off to the jail for us. The CHP officer got out of his car and stood by his door and gave us the best lecture we've ever had. Going over the accidents they already had that day, how many people usually get arrested on that weekend and all the other stuff that goes wrong because of things guys were doing. He then let us off without running any of our info, which is legit, and told us to warn our buddies. There looking for them!

Both my buddies got away and we all met up at our hotel and laughed, I mean cried, about the whole thing. We rode like little girls the rest of the weekend and everytime we've been back. I'm not press'n my luck, I should have gone to jail and I was left off the hook!

Hands down the best officer I've ever encountered. The funny thing was that he was old. I thought for sure once we saw him he was going to take us down. He was very understanding to our situation. When you see 60,000 motorcycles it just makes you wanna go fast!
Here is one...its not really mine though but a buddy. While running a buck 30 down an interstate in Fort Worth a cop goes to pull a car over until two bikes fly past him. One of them shuts it down and pulls over while the other keeps going. Cop gives him a speech and a warning THEN says "whenever you catch back up to your buddy, tell him he is a pussy for not stopping!"
Oh yeah, while in court for the ticket mentioned back on Page 1, The judge asks, "how did you manage to pull all 7 bikes over?" He says, "As soon as they crested the hill, I immediately turned on the lights but all 7 seven bikes caused the radar to jump all over the place. They all stopped and were very pleasant to talk to. I usually try to keep up and see what they got!" Really? He failed to mention he nearly caused an accident by running two bikes into each other. How bout that public safety huh?
@everyother_time redliner172 got yelled at by his girl as well when he was pulled over and also got away with the cop saying "just make sure you get that registation taken care of." I guess it's a natural female tendency for anyone's girl to yell at them when being pulled over.
Unless of course, snareman96, u are the girl!! LOL....fortunately tho, this girl has not been pulled over on the bikes....I reserve that right for my big ol' expedition with the alpine stars sticker blingin'!!! Lol...swear these cops here love that truck! Last time I got nailed in it I was on my way to pay the previous speeding ticket!!!! HAHA!!!!!!
@shai29508 Nope I'm one of those speeding males who won't go over 95mph. I don't know why, but I've gone over a few times. Might be cause I'm just finally getting rid of that fear. Only been riding for a few months. Hopefully, I can get up there more often.
Didnt yell at me....more just shook her head. Then when it was obvious that I wasnt getting a ticket she was fine.