So you got stopped by the police...what are some of your best stories?

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@snareman96, well let me tell ya, I've done my share of really fast and after that point you don't see much anyhow....literally!! for real, it's a bit of a rush but you do it once or twice and really push ur comfort zone and the thrill isn't as much of a deal anymore...fastest I've rode is just under twice your top speed....oh my!! [smirk]
lol snareman got pulled over last night. By the most petty agency in D/FW. It was hilarious. I got the pictures but I will let him tell the story. I usually get pics of my stops cause no one believes that I get stopped so much with no tickets.
Alright so on the 26th of March, I was going across the street to get some gas on my thirsty bike. Completely forgot about crossing the double yellow line and also left my helmet with my friends. A cop sees me and pulls in pretending to be pulling over a truck. The guy in the truck ask me questions about my bike randomly and was also blocking my way cause he thought the cop was after him. Once the cop pulled around the guy left and finally got going. Apparently, this cop was waiting for me the entire time. I crossed the street (again double yellow line) and turns on his lights. I get off my bike and show him my paperwork and starts criticizing my riding and the whole double yellow line crap. He gave me a verbal warning then he asked about my helmet and where it was. I pointed over there and gives me a ticket for no helmet, but this idiot didn't get his updates on my states new law about no helmets. All we need is insurance of any kind or have taken the class. He asked if I took the class and told him yes. Either way, he still have me the ticket. Went to the City office and showed them the new law and crap. Going to court to get his bitch dismissed! Might sue for harassment if my attorney says its cool and have a **** of witness. This city is also know for giving ******** tickets. **** this town!
I got pulled over at 3:30 AM the cop of course ask if I knew why he pulled me over, a few things came to mind.

1)Its 3:30 in the morning and you dont have anything else better to do
2)I ran a red light
3)I was speeding
4)I rolled through a stop sign
5)one of my blinkers is broke

but I told him I didn't have the foggiest and asked to be enlightend

he informed me that I was weaving and I had crossed the white line a few times and asked how many drinks I had consumed which was none that night.

He checked my license and registration gave me a warning about white lines and I was on my way. I have been stopped a couple times since I last posted, once for registration and the other for speeding, registration and inspection.

I was doing about 155 through TX-287 going towards Downtown Fort Worth with VERY MINIMAL traffic. By minimal I mean I didnt pass anyone at those speeds. As I came up to a hill, I slowed down cause I had a feeling an officer was hiding on the other side. I slow down to 81 and looked on my right....and nothing. Next thing I know, I see in my peripheral tail lights light up on the left shoulder and the trouble bubbles turn on. I of course pull over and was given a ticket for 81 in a 60 and my registration. I was given a warning for the inspection. The officer thought it was a Kawi...FML haha.

Anyways for your viewing pleasure...a pic.
You should probably get your bike registered and inspection sticker... might save you more money in the long run
Only twice have I been pulled over on a bike. The first time I was coming home from Beaufort, SC. I was probably about 845 miles into it, and had about 5 to go. I'd stopped at a light and when it turned green I took off, a little faster than normal. There was an unmarked cop behind me, and he pulled me over just on the other side of the intersection, claimed I was doing 60 (unpossible) and let me go with a verbal warning. I was pissed because my battery was toast (acid boiled out) and I had to push start it.

The second time I was pulled over by a motorcycle cop (Oh the irony) He saw my headlight out. I explained that the bike is 36 years old, and I probably bumped the on/off switch. He checked to make sure it did come on like it's supposed to, then gave me a written warning.

Twice in 15 years, not bad.
Well, I had a Officer decide to block the freeway with his car causing myself and another bike to collide. $30K in medical bills later, I loose the case before it even gets started. Dead bike, hurt neck/back, $30K in debt. Officer was fired, everything including the investigator said it was the officers fault. FML

Round 2. Pulled over for some gas, next thing i know, im being slammed on the bike. Helmet ripped off without taking off chin strap. And chunked in the back of a cop car. Not read rights, not able to watch bike be towed off. Put in jail for reckless driving. $500 worth of bail, night in jail, weekly calls to bondsmen for over a year, charges dropped.

A birdie overheard the arresting officer make a joke about me. Turns out I was the days lesson on how to do booking paperwork. FML.

But, I guess if you take all the power and ego away from a cop, you get a fireman.
Snapped a belt and was having BuellChick tow my in sorts as I had my right arm on her driver window sill as she was pulling me sitting on my bike. Only had to go 1/2 mi, anywho 100yrds from my Apt entrance a cop was coming the other way , I coasted into the Apt complex, ended the whole thing with a tongue lashing and two tickets one for each of us for "Resticting the Flow of Traffic", both $100 ticket with 0 points but what could have been a damn 1/2 mi walk in the cost me $200.[mad]

I know I could have gotten a bunch more but it was the stupidest ticket I have gotten for sure.
Right on Lawdog...but then again, why make it cheaper for the fools? I say impound it! Not to be an ass, but c'mon running from the po-po is just beyond stupid. You SHOULD reward thier efforts....
Last month driving from San Diego to Phoenix I'm with a group of four cars plus me close to the CA/AZ border. There's a CHP station on the north side of I8 and this bright red Charger is in front of the pack, I start to slow to about 75 from 90. B&W on north side zooms past, I see him turn in dirt medium and I know he's not pulling me over. Yep, rolls past, gets guy in Charger. Once I got to AZ I'm taking this great road from Gila Bend to Maricopa, the 238, a meandering road with new pavement that saves a few miles and is a break from the hum drum straight freeway. Well at the end where it comes to Maricopa road it goes from like 65 to 35 in a heart beat. A car I was pacing at about 80 went ahead of me and I slowed to around 45. A DPS cruiser was on the wrong side of the road with radar pointed at us. Other guy got yanked. I guess I've been lucky, never pulled over on any of my bikes.
The registration is WAY out. Its beyond a fix it ticket. Its 87 bucks and the speeding ticket is 227. Defensive driving will actually cost more in this instance so I will pay it. Which sucks....but hey...shouldnt have been speeding.
Got pulled over a few weeks ago and the guy only wanted to know why I put a Harley engine in a rice rocket[confused]12r
2 years ago, I was riding my brothers XB12s at the time and caught a cop rubber necking..sure enough, I end up getting pulled over. Just wanted to stop and check it out because he said "ive never seen anything like this." Let him throw a leg over it too. At the time I didnt have a license and wasnt ready to get a ticket so I was playing the situation as best I could.

Last year on my own bike Im making my way down the road, see a cop stop at a side street and sit for about 10 seconds, hes obviously debating to follow me or not... 230am by the way, he ends up pulling out and driving by me in the oposite direction. Im thinking sweet, dont need to deal with any power trippers tonight, next thing you know, the dude whips a u-turn and pulls me over. Im getting the talk, where you going, where you coming from, have you been drinking, yada yadaa. I tell him who I am and who I know in the department and he says "turn that bike off, I cant have a convo with you over that loud exhaust." [up] He gives me the dumbest reason as to why he pulled me over after he found out who I knew. He thought the registration sticker on my plate which is the size of a stamp was red when it was clearly silver...

I have yet to get a ticket on a bike, permit or license...Hope the streak continues.[up]
good stories[up]

years ago i was riding with a few buddies(all of us on I-4s) through our little podunk town (divided 4 lane/ stoplights bout every 1/8th to 1/2 mile).

the others caught me snoozin at one of said lights and left me pretty bad. thinking to myself "that aint happening again" i'm all staged up at the next red when a city cop goes by the other way. turned around and watched to see if he was going to turn around on us. sweet he went on! so i thought!! i turn back around and get ready for the green, and when it turns i let the little 600 EAT, leaving the others behind.

I just shifted into third, (prob. doing 100+ at this time)and decided i better slow down for the next light over the hill. now stopped at the light, i turn around to see where my buddies are and here comes the cop, lights blazing!all i can think is 65mph? over the posted 35mph. i'm goin to jail.[sad]

no jail, but i definetly deserved the 90 in a 35 ticket i got.$200 later with defensive course and lawyer fees, I got it reduced to no points violation.
i JUST wrote a check for a 15 over speeding violation, pretty cool cop he asked if i had any points and i do so he just gave me a citaion with no points, then he asked me how my bike runs! Gotta love owning a buell.
ok going south on 1788 (West texas) two lane rode going 100 to 130 traffic going south heavy, traffic going north kind of mid. Decided to start passing on the shoulder got behind three 18 wheelers so there I go on the shoulder. Just as I was between two of the trucks I see A DPS vehicle going north thinking he saw me I decided to stop at the next store and wait in case he called me in. No other cop came so I go on do what I had planned. ON the way home about 10 pm theres no car for miles so I speed up, coming to a curve then about a 40 ft drop on elevation I slowed to 85. Lights shine on a parked car about 15 ft off the road , It was the DPS, just as I got beside him lights come on so I pulled over. Got a ticket for no insurance (expired a week earlier) and speeding 85 on a 65. Just as he was headed back he stopped and asked Did I see you passing on the shouder earlier today. I looked at him a dumb look like if I was going to really say "yea that was me" told him no , then he said yea thats what everyone has told me then walked away. Insurance got renewed so that ticket got thrown out speeding ticket was defered so did not go on my record but had to pay about 400.
6/5/10 7:20 am on my way to work.light traffic doing 90 in a 40 passed cop going the other direction looked back he didnt even slow down.twisted it to around 130 blew a stop sighn looked in my mirror cops right on my ass.oh **** im going to jail pulled over handed him my paper work.wasnt the same cop i passed this one was older.he asked where i was going in such a hurry i said work,where do you work at i told him.he said i thought you were going to be some young kid.he goes back to his car a few seconds later i hear but he was flying.that must be the cop i passed, im thinking jail for sure and can picture my wife saying your 43 freaking years old.older cop comes back well im going to give you a warning for the speeding and stop sighn,i say a warning really your sure really thank you thank you.he says leave for work ealier and slow down.i tell him thank you and i will never speed on this road again.i would put a pic of this warning on here but it has his name and id no. on it as well as the name of my work.the fact that we work on police and fire vechicles may have had something to do with the warning or that i pulled over and was respectful dont know dont care. :D
Alright so on the 26th of March, I was going across the street to get some gas on my thirsty bike. Completely forgot about crossing the double yellow line and also left my helmet with my friends. A cop sees me and pulls in pretending to be pulling over a truck. The guy in the truck ask me questions about my bike randomly and was also blocking my way cause he thought the cop was after him. Once the cop pulled around the guy left and finally got going. Apparently, this cop was waiting for me the entire time. I crossed the street (again double yellow line) and turns on his lights. I get off my bike and show him my paperwork and starts criticizing my riding and the whole double yellow line crap. He gave me a verbal warning then he asked about my helmet and where it was. I pointed over there and gives me a ticket for no helmet, but this idiot didn't get his updates on my states new law about no helmets. All we need is insurance of any kind or have taken the class. He asked if I took the class and told him yes. Either way, he still have me the ticket. Went to the City office and showed them the new law and crap. Going to court to get his bitch dismissed! Might sue for harassment if my attorney says its cool and have a **** of witness. This city is also know for giving ******** tickets. **** this town!

Alright, this past Wednesday I fought this ticket and WON! The cop pulled so much **** out of his ass that all his facts were wrong. He tried so hard to convince the State Attorney that his ticket was lawful, but the Attorney kinda just threw him to the dogs. Got a long lecture from the Judge, but sided with me. Cop was pissed! I just walked out with a smirk on my face! [smirk] Me - 1, DWG, TX - 0