Squid Pics...DAVE, DON'T CLICK!!!!!!! (atgatt)

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Don't matter where I go I wear the gear. I can wash off sweat but road rash? Helment mandatory. Lost two friends back in 99, they were cutting up & speeding in traffic & both died at the scene. I was about 1/2 mile back or so. Kinda WATCHED it happen. Hardest thing is watching their kids grow up. Be cool in traffic. Aint worth it,save it for the track. NO automobiles etc. Just my 2,cents.
This thread reminded me one occasion when I was driving home from work (by car). I came to a freeway and there were two guys on the next lane riding crotch rockets. "Full" squid gear: helmet (maybe only because it's mandatory by law here in Finland), wife-beaters, sweatpants and flip-flops.

The freeway was fully crowded, traffic was going at 100 km/h, and suddenly this other dude leans forward and does a 100-or-so meter burnout!! Then about half kilometer later, the other one does a 300 meter wheelie...

No accidents this time, but you could guess either of them would be in the sad news someday.
So my family had my dads memorial this Saturday. He was an original member of a motorcycle club. I get to my parents house and one of my dads friends starts ripping my bike before I even shut it off. My god...I just rode in for my dads memorial! After telling him to *******, me and his and his other friends (that actually care for the family members that are still grieving) leave to go where the memorial is being held. We get there and its the typical assless chap pirate squid fest. There was "alot" a harleys, and with it being my dads memorial they held me a spot for my bike in front of the enterance. And of course my bike is the only buell in the row of harleys. I get off my bike and the first thing this pirate ************ says is "nice jap bike...when you gonna buy a real bike!". Are you ******* kidding me...its my dads memorial and all these inconsiderate leatherbound patch wearing ******* couch riding fuckfaces can think about is ripping on a bike. The real club members that knew me were cool and told these guys where to go, I love my xb but after that day I have even a harder time with Harley and the small penis egotistical ass munches that call themselves part of the motorcycle community!!. All I can think about is pirate squid so I put this here. I just wish people could put their ******* egos aside and just let people be happy with what they choose to ride.

RANT OVER!! [mad]
First off I'm real sorry for your lose man.
Second dude where the F*** do they get off!?!? That's the biggest load of BS I've honestly ever heard. I mean I know there's A LOT of Harley guys that don't like Buells (for reasons beyond me) but to bring that up and start rippin on your bike during your fathers memorial?!? I would've gone apesh** on them!
I actually ride with alot of harley's here in WI. Most of them appreciate my bike. (%75) Some of them turn there nose's up. LOL! Snob yuppie, "hardcore" Harley jerks. What an oxymoron. It's really funny when they try to race me with there 1200 pound steel tanks! I let them think there winning then blow by like the friggin roadrunner! BEEP BEEP! Its nice having a bike that doesn't leak oil!

Gotta laugh at these people. Fuggin clowns.
I guess Im squid [sad]
I always wear helmet, shoes, and shirt but never all the gear(unless cold). I know none of you guys are what I am talking about but you'll know just exactly who. I just get discusted when I see some D-Bag looking guy carrying his 2 helmets in the mall, decked out in leathers, race boots, shades still on even though he's in the darkest store there with a stupid smirk on his face. (Ok Ok Ok, we know you drive a Motorcycle, and that ur the badest thing around) now go back into the bathroom and put some more gell on ur hair so you can smash it back down with ur helmet.
Guys, I am not knocking u, Im glad u like the gear, but I feel comfortable without $800.oo worth of gear. Besides, I would rather be a comfortable squid than a toolbag tool+d-bag= tool bag. If I get in a wreck I think the skiding would be awful but most likely the least of my problems, and I hate spending capital on (what-if's)



I feel sorry for the dude on the back of the bike. He looked like a young kid. The ********* driver should be sued. Hopefully the kid was ok. **** the bike!

Those guys can suck it, but if someone is simply wearing a jacket (leather or non) one or no helmet (lock that **** to your bike), pants (hopefully normal with kevlar), normal looking boots. Then all the power to him, as long as hes not a douche. Theres nothing wrong with that, and dont be jelly cause he looks cool and normal. But i do agree that the *********s with full track gear on in stores can go suck it.

And you fall once at 20mph and see how long it takes the road rash to heal and how much the med bills are and you reconsider the 50$ jacket.
Seriously, haha. We ride Buells ... since when do we care what other people think? I ride in full gear 100% of the time b/c I have a friend who went out on a 10 min ride to the store (after riding for 6 years on an SV650n) ... got left-turned and now has some nice skin graft scars all over his forearms.

It's not that hard to carry a jacket around when you hop off. Helmet locked to the bike, gloves in helmet, Icon boots, Kevlar jeans. Going to get better gloves, boots, and jeans/overpants this spring.
100 degrees in the shade riding all day pumping miles in direct sunlight. boots, jeans,gloves and a helmet. and a long sleeve tee shirt. screw it.. just too freaking hot. and I.m not driving like the hyway is my a race track. but I make sure people know I'm there.
shorts and flip flops ha ha yeah squid
the best leather ain't going to save your ass when that old lady rolls you over in a 67 caddy. Your quick thinking and the what ifs is whats going to save your butt. so think hard . you are stunting or racing yep put on all the heavy duty gear. or if you like to wear your race track gear the more power to you.
If I am going for a ride in the park. (20-35mph) I were shorts and what not. For short trips. Freeway of distance I always gear up. **** road rash and being paralized or death. No matter how safe of a driver you think you are there is alway's that on drunk ******* idiot swerving around.

Ride safe.
In OZ,if you have a curant licence and not under the infuence of alcohol or drugs and have a bad smash,you and your pilion are covered by third party insurance.This means depending on how bad your injuries what amount of money you may receive from the government,to help you live your life,say with brain damage,or the loss of a limb.People can receive hundreds of thousands of dollars.What they are trying to bring now is a duty of care.If you dont have the gear on to protect yourself,well oll mate you may get f##K ALL. Riding is dangeres enough even with the gear on.We all play games with our lives,some times we loose:(
We all play games with our lives,some times we loose
I agree 100%. You may not love you life. You may be a thrill seeker or adrenaline junkie. But for Christ sake stop being so greedy and think about the people in your life that love you.

I also believe the cost of insurance is going up from idiots who drive reckless. Not just on bikes. That **** pisses me off. *******'s ruining it for the rest of the common sensed drivers out there.