Squid Pics...DAVE, DON'T CLICK!!!!!!! (atgatt)

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kyle_dewald...this is your second post in one day, hoping someone either wrecks or even you yourself cause the wreck(opening your door on a lane splitter).

Are you even a motorcycle rider at all? If you actually are, maybe you should take a few days off and deal with whatever in your life is pissing you off, getting the best of you and making you mad at the world. My highest recommendation...stay off your bike until you fix your attitude, before you kill yourself or even worse, someone else.


P.S. Please let us real riders know where you live, so we can stay away from that area.
Thanks for the info browland. I don't wish a wreck on ANYONE and even feel sorry for this kid. HOWEVER, he does need to check his attitude. His current 'misery loves company' has got to go.

Agreed. Wishing anyone to wreck is ridiculous.

I broke my leg skiing 7 weeks ago, while I've been down of course I've done more thinking than even I wanted to. While out of commission, have purchased a better helmet, better gloves, textile/armored pants and boots.

Everyone stay safe.
i agree. especially after he wrecked and seems to have no problem asking other people for their help putting his **** back together. a little humility will go a long way.
maybe karma is trying to teach you something? from the looks of it, you are not listening. heres to hoping you get the bug out of your ass and get your head on straight.
I truly hope guys here think twice before sending this kid any money. Well at least that go towards his bike. Perhaps he should spend some time & money on a riders course.

oh my god people, I'm not serious about opening a door on someone. wtf is wrong with you people? I've always wondered what it would be like to drive off a bridge, just be going down the interstate and drive right off, does that mean I'm serious about doing it, **** no. Like seriously and I use to be a squid. Only helment, tshirt and shorts. I wrecked from new tires, and learned my lesson on that. I wear my gear now, and I'm not mad at the world, **** since I've been sitting here for 7 weeks now I've had a lot of thinking time. I can't wait to walk again and I'm going to use that ability as much as i can. Also, how dare you jump and try to judge me, you are in no way shape or form in a position to do so.

I am a motorcycle rider, I have raced motoX, fourwheelers, and my family has always been Harley riders, and I am one who obeys traffic laws, I still want to be alive years on down the road, so lane splitting, speeding, and all of that will not get you there. Where I live, all of that is illegal at any speed. People on here talk about running from the cops, speeding, racing and everything else and I'm the one who has someone decide to jump on them with their self righteous beliefs and opinions when they don't even understand what they are being self righteous about.

You should know the situation and the person before become so condescending to them. I thought you could actually say passing thoughts on here and not get **** for it, but I guess not, seems too many people are too uptight and serious.

On another note, I want to appologize to everyone who felt that I would actually be stupid enough to do that. Never in my life would I put someone elses life in danger like that no matter what, squid or not.

Also, saying they will learn the hard way is no different than saying I hope he wrecks. I didn't seriously hope he wrecked, it's just that wrecking seems to be the only way some of them learn.
....k back on topic.

"screw leathers, my bunny suit will keep me from getting hurt"
Kyle, Just for the record...squid is not just a wardrobe. It is an attitude.

Hope you heal up from your injuries. Also I hope someday you recover from being a squid.
unless there is a hot half/naked chic riding one, then its pretty awesome, other than that, barf. There is a guy around here that has one and it's uglier than sin besides the fact that he doens't take care of it and it has tons of broken crap and everything else
http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j183/monkey ...

this one is even gayer than the tramp stamp

This is hilarious, they're both looking down while the guy on the back says "dude, I just burned the crap out of my leg."
Icepop's pic is the winner so far. There is so much fail in that picture!

2 guys, 1 bike. A Ninja 250 at that.
Both in shorts.
Guy in the back wearing safety glasses.
Driver wearing a beanie. (yeah, that's gonna help)
Are those shorts camouflage? SWEET!
Good one onequick5o haven't had a good laugh like that in ages...that's some funny sh!t right there! :D