So the problem WAS a loose battery terminal. I noticed it this morning when he couldn't get it started at his house, and I told him to tighten it and he couldn't find the right size socket so he never did tighten it. Some how he got it started at his house after I left. A couple hours later he dropped it off at my house. So after he dropped it off and it wouldn't start again, after I asked him to so I could make sure it was ok. I offered him $3000 for it instead of the $3500 we agreed on earlier and he said fine. After he left I took the seat off and tightened the positive cable, and put MY battery charger on it for about 30 min. And.......She started right up! LOL
Also, Anyone know how to open the gas cap on these things? I cant figure it out, I put the ignition key in the cap and it wont turn...