The unhijackable thread...

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Krav Maga is the most ruthless fighting style iv seen. Not so much like asian martial arts based on angles, but more about hurting your opponent untill he passes out. I was tought to box by two golden glove boxers since i was 6, im 25 now, so im still prone to just punch someone into submission.

Mongolian BBQ is the best asian food ever, if anyone disagrees go die in a fire.

I went and sat on the 1125cr but didnt test ride it as it was puring ass rain out there, but I made the new salesman(He rides a xb9s) start it so i could hear the little sewing machine that could. I also sat on a the '08 CBR1000 and holy **** is that a wrist breaker.

I just go to starbucks, put the cup in the smallest pocket of my backpack, its does the trick. And my backpacks smells like starbucks instead of dirty gym clothes. Two birds...One Stone.

I wonder how long I could make this post?

Maybe a couple signature pics at the bottom, that might help. Ill test one now:

Dont be jealose...... I know its sexy.

So I been working on this new gun design i wanna sell to the military, its more for troop moral than actually killing the enemy but I think It would be sufficiant enough. here goes.

An RPG, now hear me out, that when you shoot it, it makes a "douche!" sound...THEN!!!! when it blows up in the distance.... you hear.."bag" even if you dont hit the guys, your happier, they're sadder, you win!

Krav Maga is pretty brutal. It mostly revolves around hitting a guy in the nuts. Jews don't **** around.
What is red and smells like blue paint?

Blue Paint.
Ok so the joke is a lot funnier if its a hot drunk chick telling you it.

Highjacked:...!!...... (sort of)... it can't end though
meh w/e, my wife is immortal as well.. makes it interesting when I think about doing something she would nag me for. Eternal Nagging..BEWARE!:p
automatic toilet flushers suck when they keep flushing when you're not done... beware of the rest area near iowa city. it does that really bad and it makes me so angry [mad]
I hate the public toilets that flush with a bit to much force and splash some of the doo do water up. If there is a place in hell for anyone, it's the man that invented this kind of toilet.

as for Fido
I think there for i am

what does this say for those who think not, yet still exist?

I think we have developed a quandry of sorts.
So I was riding through downtown, saw these guys standing next to their new KTM's... They stared at me as I rode by, jealous perhaps?

also, jackpot!
How many times have you wrote a log post response only to have second thoughts and not post it. I have written books worth of comments and rebuttals only to let them fall harmlessly into obscurity with a click of the red X.
Nah L10 with all WHITE meat rules...
and technically i was thinking..shouldn't "word" of the day be limited to ONE word?? :p

but then again, nonsense!!!
I just ate half a pizza, the works with banana peppers instead of black olives...I have got gas something AWFUL. Caught my wife sleeping on the couch over here; it stunk so bad she woke up. :D She's pissed but she'll get over it.
what does this say for those who think not, yet still exist?

I think we have developed a quandry of sorts.

Quandary - a state of perplexity or doubt

hmm...I think therefore I am, I think he is a mindless ********* that doesn't think. Thus he is. Furthermore, I think "I think therefore I am" does not apply to how he came to exist, therefore it does not...

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