The unhijackable thread...

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if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't... Now thats logic
we used to think that if we knew one, we knew two, because one and one are two. we are finding that we must learn a great deal more about "and"...
Therefor, tis not in fact the thought that mandates the existance, but rather the thought of existance? Accordingly one might well think and exist but does one truely exist before the ponderance of one's own existance?

Is it the existance that is precluded by the thought or the thought that is precluded by the existance.

Hence Therefor:
we can postulate the idea of "I think, therfore I am" is nothing more then then the time told "Which came first, the Chicken or the egg"
Could have been a Gull on a Clippers wake, could have been a swan on a glassy lake, could have been a ladybug on a wind chime, but she was born a dragonfly.

...said to a guy in a class I was teaching after his 15'th left field question in 30 mins:

"Do you know what a Less On is? it's someone who's working his way UP to MORON"

So, I took 3 of them and ran off real fast like.
When I got to where it was I'd forgotten
what to do with the red one that spoke french.

That kinda sucked b/c it was sorta important.
Important like the 3 I ran off with.
Especially knowing they weren't grounded.
Sparks flew everywheres...

If I could only remember what they were.
I might even tell you...
Where are they?

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

"Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by
a power obtainable at any Buell dealer in the universe!"

--Nikola S3-T(esla) addressing the American Institute
of Electrical Engineers, 1891
Bee Movie is really and awesome movie. Well written, good morals and that lady the bee falls in love with is pretty hot too. I strongly recommend to kids and adults.
It's not fair sitting inside work staring out the window at my bike. I'm going to ride around the parking lot...BRB [up][up]
Back from riding around the parking lot...Should have worn a jacket. It's close to 35 degrees here right now.:D
You've got the "shinning"

-don't you mean Shining ?

Shut up, do you want to get sued!
probably get around to that in the next week or 2.

I really hope I get 'that 70s show' on dvd for xmas ;)

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