The unhijackable thread...

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It was 78 degrees here today. It was too hot to where my leather Jacket had to break out the mesh again. Sorry :D
i was going to ride to work today,but it was 39 at the time i leave for work,took my honda element.firechicken,i wanna see a photo of those things on your bike,i'm calling bs.:p
Sorry Keiser and Bords, It was only an observation regardless of it's name if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck....

Oddly we are still talking weather, HA HA.

Perhaps a philosophical debate may ensue as to "Whats in a name" is a rose by any other name still a rose? Does this idea apply to threads of the "Unjackable Type"?

(Can you tell it's friday and i'm bored at work with an hour left?)

Is a vessel, free to visit any place on the planet, "unhijackable" or is it "More Jackable" (Ok i'm done with the excessice over analysis... and yes i am a State Government Analyst which would explaine exactly why i'm being paid to do this.

Now on a differnet note.
Anyone a fan of A Capella Music? if so you should check out "Straight, No Chaser's" christmas album
ware ^ not where - stupid English language. And I get on my 11 year old about not proof reading his homework.
i took 8 pages of notes today... 16 if you count front and back. my hand hurts and i've been going through pens like crazy, so i know what you mean about the cold weather thing? merry christmas y'all
No weekend work - College Football watchin' all freakin' day - YEAH!
Wife just made some of the best tasting chicken and dumplings I've ever had. :D Anyone want the recipe, Cracker Barrell knock-off I think.
zOMG is a varient of the all-too-popular acronym "OMG", meaning "Oh My God".

The "z" was originally a mistake while attempting to hit the shift key with the left hand, and type "OMG"

Also used in all-caps, 'ZOMG' is generally used in a sarcastic manner, more often than not a humiliating fashion. It is also used as a device for stating the obvious.

This from
Why are apartments So Close together? Not sure but I parked on a Circular Driveway once. I still can't get out. [confused]
I just got my first Ticket for Doing a Wheelie. The cop was an a-s. It was a little one, and he told me that is was going to jail. then he let me go. What an a-s. Have a nice day to you all.

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