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Stevenc150 Hook it up with the C&D Recipe... I love me some good chicken and dumplin's
"Chicken & Broth"

- 3 quarts water
- 3 to 4 lbs. of chicken breast
- 2 tsp. salt
- 1 small onion sliced
- 2 stalks celery chopped
- 1 clove garlic, peeled & quartered
- 1 bay leaf
- 4 to 6 whole parsley leaves
- 1 1/2 tsp. coarse ground black pepper
- 1 tblsp. lemon juice
- 14 oz. can chicken broth


- 2 cans of small flaky biscuits (I don't like buttermilk ones, but it's up to you)

Cooking Directions

1. Bring water to boil in large pot. Add chicken, 1 tsp. salt, onion, celery, garlic, bay leaf, and parsley to pot. Reduce heat to Low/Medium (setting 3 of 8 on our stove) and cook chicken, uncovered, for 2 hrs. The liquid will reduce by 1/3 or more.

2. When the chicken is cooked, remove it from the pot and set it aside. Skim the top of the stock to remove most of the vegetables and floating scum. For the most part, you just want the stock and the chicken, toss what you skim.

3. Add 14 oz. chicken broth to pot. (More or Less than 14 oz., your preference) Add coarsely ground pepper, 1 tsp. salt, lemon juice; re-heat stock over medium heat while preparing dumplins.

4. Roll biscuits out on floured surface, and tear to size preference.

5. Drop dumplins into simmering stock. The dumplins will first swell and then slowly shrink as they partially dissolve to thicken the stock into a white gravy. Simmer for 20 - 30 mins. until thick. Stir often.

6. While stock is thickening, the chicken will have cooled enough to handle. Tear all meat into bite-size or larger pcs. and drop them in. Continue to simmer after dropping chicken in for another 5 - 10 mins. gently stirring all the while.

7. When gravy has reached desired consistency it's ready to serve. Very good with steamed veggies if desired.

Again, delicious in my opinion. If you like, kick me a rep., my stinkin' fingers are cramping. :p
anyone ever have dreams that they are riding their bike and it starts to fall apart or it just stops working? I do :( its very scary
When I was in the Army I would be up at night on fireguard and my best friend would have dreams that he was riding his motorcycle. He would lay on his back with his arms and legs in the air in riding posture and you could see him shift and work the throttle and brakes and sometimes even made engine noises. Freakin awesome.
Yeah, we would buff the floors at night in basic and use the buffer and smash into the bunks of the shitbirds and AWOL's. Good times, sometimes I wish I could go back through basic, in a sick way.
What are the best snow tires for a Buell and when are they going to make a 2-wheel drive version with heat vents to plug into my gear?

I saw two bike police riding through some pretty deep snow trying to make it through the intersection. WTF?[confused]
I believe you could buy a Harley for that sir :p

Why did I schedule myself to work 15 hours tomorrow. It's boring enough on the 8 hour days
Stuck here on shaft duty again, watching movies, learning Python Programming Language, and after my 24 hours awake on Staff Duty, I have to drive 5 hours to tennessee with my wife to pick up her car, and then another 5 hours back before I can even get any ******* sleep. I love my life.

Casca The Eternal Soldier
I am still freaking awake, it's been almost 48 hours, just got in from Tennessee, now that we have the wifes car back from the shop I have to take my car in. To a local shop of course. It's gonna be in there for 8 days...Bummer.
Man it was a cold a-s morning to ride.
Agreed. Pretty damn cold otw to work this morning. I really wish they'd get those street sweepers out there earlier, so much damn sand everywhere. Im not sure if its people think im just completly crazy for riding in January in washington state, or my Osbe is really that cool but im getting alot of stares lately.[cool]
Ya the sand is pissing me off. I call the city and complianed about it and they said they did not want to sweep it up cause another storm could come in and they would have to put it back down.

I get looks to but I dont have a cool ass helmet just my Shoei. Ride safe.[up][up]
Sorry man, my girl has to find the link cable for her camera. Once found ill upload some.
Does jelly come out of keyholes good?
Use brake clean or something similar and then lube the lock with powdered graphite once it has dried out. Walter brand Slapshot works really well for dissolving and flushing out all the crap that doesn't belong there.

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