The unhijackable thread...

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I hate the cold and snow it brings. Probably why I plan on moving to flordia after college.
it's 3:55am and my wife was snosing so freaking loud that i couldn't sleep,might as well get up.gotta leave for work at 4:45 anyway.3 trees climber,great if there's gifts for you under each of them.
Work is boring, forgot my Ipod so no movies. I would like to fit Ice Racing tires to my 12R and ride all year. And run over cool stuff as to decorate my tires.

Edit: Like kittens and puppys
Ohhhhh Shizzzzz Guess whos riding year round now....
Snow Claws:



Buy Them
i agree with odin,the only good thing that can come from this idea,would the upgrading of the stock parts you will be replacing from the crash,ya wanna play in the snow,get a snowmobile:p
LOL you guys a Bugs-******-nuts, I live in WASHINGTON STATE! Its gets COLD! I was hoping to inspire one of you crazy bastards into doing it so I could take all the credit for it later. Anyways $230 for a set of five is insane. Im going to go ahead with my plan on taking the bus and jogging this winter.

Crazy mofos
Easy for you to say Mr.Puyallup im here in central WA where we get LOTS of snow, Oh and Ice, and why not throw in the coloumbia river and 1 million orchards to freeze up the air. Man I miss So.Cal. Next time I go im going to kiss a palm tree, no matter how bad it shreds me.
Yeah, it's rough out here in cali. I've been pissed cuz it's been down in the 40-50's lately.

Can't wait till i get back on the bike with shorts and a tank top, maybe a week or two.
Can't wait till i get back on the bike with shorts and a tank top, maybe a week or two.

And you wonder why people call bikers stupid.... Why dont you scream around a corner at high speeds at a very aggressive lean angle with nothing between you and the road.... Shouldnt you be riding a cruiser? You know, some big yuppie softtail? That would fit the whole tanktop shorts look and save us Bueller some bad rep...Jeebus
Adam, ha ha.... Yeah these freezing temperatures are horrible arn't they?

Can't say i agree with your Shorts and Tank top idea (I hope you are fasiciating)

Was this thread offically Hijacked by weather? what with 13 post realating to it?
Thaloc, if you get credit, you get blame. You sure you want it haha?

Keisersozae, I heard that somewhere too, I just can't put my finger on where though.

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