Tired of this squid thing

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I don't so much think it's other riders judging you for what you wear, but us transferring over our frustration from all the **** WE have to deal with because of what you do. You ride around thinking your actions have nothing at all to do with the rest of us, and the rest of us get annoyed at your ignorance for the headaches you can cause us. As much as you think it's just you and your bike against the world, the rest of the world looks at all of us as the same.

Once you move out of your parents house and start interacting in the real world you'll see how your actions affect everyone else around you and it'll make more sense to you. I think it definitely sucks when people refuse to set a good example because they're too busy taking care of themselves to picture things on a greater scale.
Oh, and by the way....

"I have to rant. Why is it such a problem to people what other people complain about? Are you their ******* mommy. I complain about people who ride in shorts and shoes with a sleeveless shirt. Who is that hurting? Nobody but me. If you have a problem with what someone complains about get the **** over it.

Sorry had the vent"

sounds like as good of an argument coming from the other side?
Upthemaiden-for one I don't live at my parents house and I pay my own bills too and I'm only 23 years old imagine. I have more responsibilities then 75% of the people at my age. Don't go assuming ****. It make you look ignorant.

And just because I don't wear "proper gear" doesn't mean I don't ride safe. I ride for the conditions if I'm in a situation where I need to be careful I am. Like heavy traffic I don't weave in and out of cars. I don't excessively speed unless the roads are fairly empty and I feel like opening it up. I don't wear shorts all the time just sometimes. Most of the time it's jeans and a shirt. But I still wear regular shoes. Sometimes I wear boots and my jacket but just because I don't wear "proper gear" doesn't make me or anybody that doesn't wear "proper gear" anything. It's not my job to set an example for other people they can live their lives just how I live mine FREE. If you see someone not wearing "proper gear" and your with your kids who want to ride it's your job to tell them when you ride wear the "proper gear" and you have that right to tell them to because your their parent. But don't judge people for not wearing "proper gear" it's not your job to judge. O and by the way if some wants to ride a motorcycle and they come to me for advice I tell them to get the "proper gear" and if they want to wear it or not it's their choice not mine
Dynasty - I don't have a foot print on society I have Heath insurance and I pay federal and state taxes and I have motorcycle insurance. And I pay for it. So if I have an accident it won't raise the cost for anyone nut myself. And I have a very good life insurance policy. As for it effecting my family. We have a very different out look on death then a lot of people do.
So just because I don't wear a jacket and boots and pants allege time but still ride safe means I'm a squid doesn't make to much sence to me. If you wear "proper gear" but ride likea complete jack ass are you still a squid or just a jack ass
I don't have a foot print on society I have Heath insurance and I pay federal and state taxes and I have motorcycle insurance. And I pay for it. So if I have an accident it won't raise the cost for anyone nut myself.

This is pretty much the reason I assumed you were 17, you're not very thorough at coming up with an argument. Just because you pay a couple bills doesn't make you a grown up. The idea behind insurance is that we all chip in, and when someone needs money, it's there. If YOU put yourself at more of a risk than the rest of us who choose to wear gear, you end up taking more money from the insurance company, who then charges ALL of us more money because you just rose the statistics of crashes to motorcycles. That's the same whether it's health insurance, motorcycle insurance, or life insurance. The only way for us to not have to care what you do or how you choose to behave is if you have a savings account with a balance high enough to cover all of your medical bills, any damage you cause, and don't even file a claim. Don't forget if you die I expect your school loans and everything else you may own to be covered, because if you're going to do this responsibly we shouldn't have to cover any of those for you after you die.

On the plus side, I'm glad to hear you've cleared it with all of your friends and family members to know that none of them will have to care if you die... apparently I'm more attached to my dog than your family is to you... [confused]
ita funny how when we are in our teens and twentys we think we are grown men and when we hit our late thirtys we realize how clueless we were.it sucks to wear all the gear all the time .i hate it when its 102 deg out.its been 20 years since i layed a bike down"knock on wood" but i know it could happen tonight.i really dont care what you or anyone else wears.but unless your wealthy 6 months or more with no job hospital bills from 50k to millions depending on how bad your ****** up and the health problems you will have from months to the rest of your life atgatt is a very small price to pay.hopefully your fail will be many years away and you will have decided to gear up by then.
It's not that my family doesn't care if I die they have just learn the reality of the situation everyone dies don't be sad about the fact that ur poor puppy dies or your family member dies everyone dies. So be happy that they lived the life they did and the life they wanted to live why cry or be upset at something that's inevitable. You can't stop it you can't fight it. So as you see my family isn't selfish in wanting something that they can't have they are carring and loving for remembering the life I left behind me. So in a way my family cares more then you think

How is it being an idiot for wanting to live my life with out persecution for my decisions.

I don't like the fact that people listen to gangster rap, drive toyotas or vote for socialists, all of these things effect me personally and financially; but it is still (sort of) a free country (I think, but I haven't watched the evening news yet).
I am in favor of wearing protective gear, but if you don't, you have that right and I have the right to call you a moron. If you are tired of being called a squid, idiot , moron, pea brain, etc., that is not my problem.
Call me a moron call me crazy call me an idiot but at least I ride within my limits and I ride to protect others from their own idiototic behavior
This whole board has turned into a blur, I respect kid1620 for exercising his freedom of speech. I agree with him 100%. Im not going to judge or point or bitch wine cry complain, like a lot of you *******. Shame on all of you who are trying to dictate this mans life. Shame on you for doing the exact opposite of what he just asked you to do. Shame on you republicans for wanting to come in his home and tell him what he can and cant do. What he can and cant wear. Get a ******* life or your own. There was a time I road a motorcycle with out a helmet, and although I may wear one now I will be damned if I will take that freedom to choose from some one else. Freedom to choose!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freedom to live and die how I want too.!!!!!!!
Brightbuell finally someone that understands what I was saying. Damn it's about time lol
Brightbuell finally someone that understands what I was saying. Damn it's about time lol

we all understand what your saying some get pissed,some think your stupid and some of us just think its a bad decision.personally i think you will regret this way of riding someday and i dont want to see a kid get ****** up when it might have been avoided.
i wear what i want when i want. sometimes shorts, sometimes sneakers. dont even own a helmet yet. my life, my choice. deal with it!!!

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