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lol i thought hydro dipping was for red necks who wanted to camo up the appliances and everything else in their houses. :p

definitely need to post pictures when it's done
There are so many design schemes that Hydro dipping can be done. I will post pics he is also doing my airbox delete cover in carbon fiber. I will post pics.
Been there done that and it is boring as siht. Pills, buellxb, ebay, netflix, and some ps3 is how I made it through
There's always porn if you get too bored
Yes and...YES!

Be careful, Vicodin, the Buell bug, idle time and a checkbook are a dangerous combination :) Get well soon!
Be careful, Vicodin, the Buell bug, idle time and a checkbook are a dangerous combination Get well soon!

Lol pills and free time to find deals all day long is a bad...and great combo for buying some new things. I loved it and so did the bike, but the savings account didnt.

I miss those pills. I was on tramadol after I came off the fun stuff (hydrocodone and oxycodone) and it didnt even come close to helping with the pain oh and it wasnt any fun to pop one of them and prepare for the high feeling to hit. :(
I miss those pills. I was on tramadol after I came off the fun stuff (hydrocodone and oxycodone) and it didnt even come close to helping with the pain oh and it wasnt any fun to pop one of them and prepare for the high feeling to hit.

Did you get off of them? Pills are extremly addicting. Couple guys at my work had knees done this year and both struggled with pills after surgery, and they weren't pill guys before the surgery. Can be tough to do!
I know how you feel,at the begining of 2010 I had knee surgery then a kidney stone taken out,during 2011 I had a shoulder operation and I had to sit around being bored out of my head,but I hope you get well soon and remember to do the rehab like you need to in order to get to 100 percent.
Did you get off of them?

Yeah I have got off of them twice now and neither was a good time, the first time was because I was getting off of them for my back injury from the accident, then I had the tumor removed and was put back on them. It was the worst feeling coming off of them I bought a bottle of nyquil and slept myself through it. It was the worst joint, body aches I have ever felt. I dont ever want to be on pills again for that reason.
I stopped my pain pills and swapped to good old 800 mg Motrin yesterday. I canthandle not feeling like myself and that's what they did. I feel so much better, it's worth a little more pain to me to not have that fuzzy feeling.
I was in the hospital one time and they were giving me percocet and lortabs IIRC for pain. They were making me sick and I didn't want them but they said they HAD to give me some sort of pain killer by law. I asked for tylenol then just to take something to make them happy, I felt much better and could deal with the pain. Then we got the bill and holy **** they charged us like $15/pill for tylenol!
All I have to say is I thank god I'm in the military about 6 years ago I had to have my shoulder rebuilt which was over 30K with physical therapy and everything. This year has been crazy. My wife a hard core runner, got a stress fracture in her hip from the impact of running so much, that was a 15K surgery to put pins in. Then I just had my knee done which is almost 20K, luckily We were covered and had no out of pocket expenses. The only real major medical bill I had was when my Old English Bulldog tried to keep up with the neighbors bird dog, he blew out his CCL (basically an ACL), two days before his surgery date he blew out he other leg when he got out of the house. So those two surgeries were 10K. Now we have one expensive ass dog, and of course the type of pet insurance I have didn't cover it.

Hahaha, I have had many dogs, by far he is the best dog I have ever had. I told my wife when all of this first happend, that if he wasn't such a great dog he would go on a hunting trip. Believe me I didn't have 10K sitting around either , I will have it paid off next month.
lol after seeing this and all your other threads I get a laugh every time you find something and buy something.
Haha. The wife is being a good sport about it also. I have started digging into things to do to my truck now also.
^uh oh, I could give you all kinds of ideas to drain your bank account with the truck lol. You want aesthetic mods or performance? :D

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