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Its is a pretty wicked lean. I dont have the nerve or the skill to pull anything close to that off. F'ckin yeah! :up::up:

You did notice the thread right? This is gonna be my first track day. I'm around 4 yrs shy of Wickedchop...and I'm going out there. However...I Wonder how this is gonna measure up against skydiving....hmmm
Ended up working the day I planned to go watcha track day, since the bikes are down. Next one is May 10.

Wickedchop had a suit listed for sale. Didn't know it when I started this thread. We exchanged numbers and chatted on the phone. Awesome guy. Even tolerates my stupid questions, like where/how the knee sliders attach. Yea I asked that question.:cool: So I'm off to look for knee pucks. I Might try these

Today I got my suit from WC. :up:
I can tell I'm gonna be entertaining to observers donning/doffing the suit.
I did heed his advice and not use a knife to open the box. Suit is awesome. It will work, and I hope I never need it.

WC you DA man!


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Right on Bob. Call Justin at Trackside Parts Club. He will hook you up with sliders, back protector, whatever you need. He supports us at the track and almost always beats anyone else's prices. Good dude for sure. Tell him I sent you....
Flashbacks cause random thoughts…just sayin :)

Jimi never gets old. I did get to see ZZ Top and lynyrd skynyrd around 96ish. ZZ Top is oming to the PNW. Was told some seats close to $700!! WTF!?

Another thing, we did all the stupid things before cell phone cameras.
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Inside passes are dangerous compared to outside passes & don't follow directly behind the rider in front of you. 90% brake too early. A groups an exception for the most part. And stamina is a must.
Last event I passed on the last session. As a matter of fact, I came in early the prior session. Hands and shoulders very sore. I only have 2 working fingers on my throttle hand so it takes a beating. Nice to have a one finger brake.
The beginner class is exactly that and you will have a large variety of bikes, enduros, Harleys, and newbie riders looking for a safe place to practice. The pace is whatever you want it to be so any bike you take is fine and typically no passing in the corners is allowed so no one gets surprised. If you get stuck behind a really slow rider baccarat
, just ride through the pit lane and by the time you're back on the track, they will be way ahead again
Pitting in is fine to get away from a slower rider, no one is saying the most important thing though. DO NOT PIT IN AND PIT BACK OUT UNLESS THE SENDER SENDS YOU!!!!!!! If for some reason there is no SENDER, WAIT. An inexperienced rider pitting back out without being told when to do so can be an absolute DISASTER!
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Pit in then out again...Saw that, wasn't sure what was going on.... Guys would pit in. Hang like 5-10 seconds, talking to the sender then off again. I understands
^^^^^^you know Alpinestars makes a suit that has an internal tech air less thing to wear outside your suit and you don't have to have a cord tethered to you and the machine. It's pricey though. But then again so is a funeral....
I've looked at those but I already have 2 sets of leathers. I did buy another pair of boots though.
I bought a pair of Sidi Rex Airs. Have not worn them while on the bike. They are a SOB to get off though. thought I was going to dislocate my knees.

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