Tunerpro RT hooked directly to the bike!!!

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hmm learning Ride ... I must be missing something. Should I learn ride before I disabled 02 sensors?
I have fine tuned the map after a first round without O2. Then I made another log round to, saved the log after 15 min and turned on the 02 sensors. hmm well then it runs really fine. Please spud how do you mean in what order should I proceed to get it right.

At the first trip i might have missed TPS reset.. But i did that before round two, and still there was alot of "popping" when I release the gas, she runs great through the gears when I push her hard to the rpm limit.
Do you guys know anywhere to look in the logs to see if you are running lean? I have about a 10 minute run and varying speeds and RPMs so i think somewhere in there should be a good indicator. I just don't know what value it is or what to look for.
The only way that I know is to look into your history tables, there you can see the minimum and maximum, etc. of what the engine asks for ...
From looking at your sceenshots: what exactly is "front accel correction" (not mentioned in runtime info list) and what information do you gain from mapping it to throttle position and RPM?
I assume that you mean the recording history table for front cylinder, that's where you see the amount of fuel the engine asks for, TrottlePositionSensor/rpm. Just adjust your race map with the values from the recordig. Watch this movie and you will understand... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_puxAQm1aCk
How do I adjust my map from that? What do the numbers tell me, let's say the highlighted one ("66.670" in the screenshot above) for example? Is the engine running rich or lean there? And how much fuel to adjust?
I would say it is a little rich because it says 70 in his fuel map, therefore adjust down this field to 67 and take a new test run around the block. the history table isent showing the right rpm/tps compered to his map so there must be some adjustment to that. get an race map for your bike and start from that. there some great guys that will help you out here, I think "spud" has a guide in production aswell!
That's the answer I was afraid to hear. Unfortunately, and please don't take it personally, it complete nonsense.

The so called "correction" shows nothing else than the fuel map itself, as it's the veCurr1 run time value, the interpolated but unadjusted and uncorrected map entry which is the foundation of all fuel calculations. The fuel map is input, how could this provide even the slightest hint for adjustments?

Who provided you with such wrong informations? What a shame!

I would recommend to learn about EFI and DDFI first, read and understand the tuning guide and then, and only then, start fumbling around with the ECM.
No don't disable the O2 sensor. Disable the learn capability. If you disable the 02 then all you will get is whatever the AFV was before the datalog. In other words the ecm will not try to make adjustments...so it will be impossible to see if you need to make changes
If you already knew the answer then why did you even ask?

To find out what was assumed this history table is showing and how it would be used.
should you disable the o2 sensor when dataloggin/tuning?
This depends on how you want to run your bike after tuning.

If you want it running with O2 disconnected, then disconnect O2 before tuning. Tune to whatever seems fit, but you should be aware that you need to adjust fuel to changes in altitude and air pressure manually (for XB models without MAP and baro sensors). This is most easily done by adjusting AFV, as the full map is OL now.

If you want to run it with O2 connected, then leave everything as is. But you have to tune the calibration mode area first, as calibration will impact AFV and therefore needs to be adjusted before touching OL regions. Use EGO correction as direction how to adjust map values, because this is what the ECM uses as feedback. (MLV users have to edit the equations in the VE analyzer for that.) When done correctly AFV will not change any more when walking through different parts of the calibration area. If AFV is moving without changes in altitude or air pressure, always check fuelling in calibration mode first, as this is the main reason.

Once the calibration mode area is done, proceed to the closed loop area. Then run the bike in calibration mode again, that a valid AFV is stored, as will be the case on the road later on. The last area tuned is OL and OL-WOT. AFV will not move any more and there's no need to freeze it by setting new limits in the ECM.

If it seems impossible to get a stable AFV, it's impact could be adjusted by changing the AFV's increase/decrease factors and number of transitions. The factors are set to approximately 5% and require 21 transitions in a stock setup. But in such cases a move to runnning the engine with O2 disconnected seems appropriate IMO.
Thanks for your response and assistance, a forum like this seems like a good place to share experiences. but like many others here, is the knowledge not so high, and they participate to learn. and to get the most out of their bikes.

There seems no better than that I have misunderstood the essential functions and should be read in more detail information.

but it would be very nice to see more posts on these issues from those who can and knows how to go about it correctly, which would certainly be appreciated by all participants in this thread.

reboot and start over...... :)
anybody know how to get the bike to connect to tunerpro? went from 125 on payload and body size and nothing happens it just says connecting. Any thoughts?