Alright, it happened again. Recently I applied CRC valve spray cleaner in the intake of my motorcycle and next day riding I started getting check engine light with code 34 IAC position too low. Check engine light appears after about half an hour of riding, probably when engine is hot enough. Check engine light can stay for a few minutes and then disappears for a few minutes and then appears again for some time and so on. There is no any idle issues or RPM issues or performance issues, everything works as always before. I cleaned recently the IAC sensor and whole throttle body assembly thoroughly while replacing rocker cover gaskets, I also replaced throttle body intake gaskets. But it has not fixed the issue, the check engine light still appears with this error after some time after starting the engine. Do you think CRC valve cleaner damaged the IAC sensor? Any another possible issues can cause this error code?
2009 Buell XB12Scg, breather reroute mod.