OK. I tried to use propane today to perform leakage test as electrical manual suggested. Do not use propane for leakage test! It looks like this stuff soaks in the motorcycle parts or does something so then motorcycle engine will stall right after start and you will probably not be able to even start it at all!
I attached hose on the propane container and attached aluminum tube on the hose. Then started the engine, wormed it up. Then I tested it and directed it in the air box, and it was probably my mistake, so now propane soaked in the air-cleaner or something. Anyway, after this engine RPM dropped after 5 sec and then raised back . It looks like this stuff can completely stall the engine.
Then I directed the nozzle toward the intake seals and no instant reaction on RPM. RPM started dropping after about 10-15 seconds. For me it looks like propane wend around all this time and then was sucked through the air filter and there is no leakage in the intake gaskets.
Then I decided to perform leakage test according this video
They used brake cleaner, but I decided to use electric cleaner first since it is not so aggressive as brake cleaner so it will not damage the rubber parts. I started motorcycle and it started like ****, it almost stalling. I do not know if this is propane soaked in the intake components and makes it acting so, or propane somehow increased leakage.
Anyway after 5 minuted RPM stabilized and I started spaying electric cleaner on the intake seals and after I sprayed it on the front seal from right side RPM dropped after about 5 seconds after beginning spraying process and IAC raised from 8-10 to 25-30 to stabilize RPM and then after this slowly dropped back to 8-10. So it looks like leakage, right? Then I successfully repeated this test second time with same result. Then I decided to try brake cleaner, sprayed it on the intake seal and got no any reaction, no RPM drop, no IAC position raising, it stayed at 8-10. Then I repeated test with electric cleaner and was not able to affect RPM or IAC position. I do not know what happened, maybe I sealed the leakage spraying this stuff and another leakage somewhere else appeared?
I shut the engine OFF. Then tried to start it again after 10 minutes, and it just stalled right after start. I tried to start engine more than 10 times with no success. Again I do not know what happened. Maybe this is propane, maybe brake cleaner, maybe electric cleaner. I waited about half an hour, connected the motorcycle to a car battery because of the motorcycle battery after so many unsuccessful starts was not able to crank the engine, started the engine, it started rough but did not stall and after a couple minutes stabilized RPM.
So it is probably leakage, but I am not still completely sure because of this propane affected the test somehow, I need to test it again just with brake cleaner spray probably after all this crap will be completely evaporated from the motorcycle parts.