Well done to the us marines!!

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Air Force...prima donnas / *******

my girlfriend was just asking me about why the guy in the picture looked different than the rest of the military. I told her that the Air Force is as close as you can get to being a civilian while still being in the military. That being said, they do have one hell of a chow hall and NCO club.

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let the butt hurt begin.

Chair Force food was always the best! They always had like burgers and dogs and pizza. We had terrible spaghetti that tastes like just wet noodles.
What does a Marine say when he sees an apache helicopter flying over? Look an apache! What does the Navy say when they see an apache? Look a helo! What does an Airman say? Look a helicopter! And finally what does a soldier say? They just point and say Ooooo, ooo, oooooooo!
joint forces.jpg

ten Buell****eries
What does a Marine say when he sees an apache helicopter flying over? Look an apache! What does the Navy say when they see an apache? Look a helo! What does an Airman say? Look a helicopter! And finally what does a soldier say? They just point and say Ooooo, ooo, oooooooo!

Can confirm. Helicopters are to me, what puppies are to children.
OK guys going into work " maximum security federal prison " lots of friendly people that want to see me succeed to tend to!
Gulp! i wouldnt last five minutes in there! either as a guard or an inmate! Thats so many wasted years, his hit and his own its crazy and now i would imagine he has to watch his back for the rest of his life, man i wouldn`t want to live like that!
Yeah he actually did look like a B**** and dressed female! Every one knew not to mess with him though he would kill you in a heart beat! When he first got to this facility they tried to jump him "bad mistake"
Yeah I've gotten quite a few good job emails from the warden for finding drugs, tattoo paraphernalia, muscle relaxers, and other contraband. That being said I've only been in the federal system for going on 4 months!