What does everyone do for a living?

Buellxb Forum

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Since I don't work I started an organization called T.U.B.A. , Texas Unemployed Buellers Association. Only have one member as of now ! [smirk]
I'm in the entertainment business, i'm a stunt man in the porn industry

I thought you looked familiar WALLS, your work as the 'stunt cock' in Orgasmo was epic, tho Dave the lighting guys acting chops gave you a run for your money...

as they say in the biz....
keep up the good work!
wr5757, do you make any lcd films that I can place over my cars number plate, and switch on (turn black) when driving by speed camers etc? :D
Two new jobs as of late.

I'm working with a DJ company and I'm promoting Visalus Sciences

Helping me build muscle and do some fun stuff.

And I still do the research thang.
Teaching computer information systems classes at a university full-time. Also working on a Phd in Finance, planning on graduating this summer.

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