Nice to have some support back on the states while over seas, my buddies maintained my truck while I was gone. Not to mention brought it to some shows and put a few thousand miles on it.
can't tell you how many times i have wrenched on my brothers cars, 3 tours in iraq and 1 in afghanistan will do that for you. when i get done with college i'm hoping to get a cummins deisel!!!
Love the Bug, want to do one up but I may just have to wait to move to Flordia since I hear the heat in those things isnt the greatest for the winter, plus I already have to big boy toys for now.
How are those horns? Seen those in my Mother's Catalog and wondered if they were as loud as they say? Yup I notice the horns through the grille, dont ask my why the hell I noticed them but it is a curse I hve. Details, details
They're loud as **** man, fun when someone goes "are..are those speakers in your grille?" say "yea!" and have them listen close.....then hammer on the horn.
The only thing about them is the tone, it's not a throaty horn, more piercing, but they're cool looking. Especially on a black or silver car with red accents.
When I'm not riding the XB12R, my other ride is a BC Transit bus! OK, it may not be the coolest, but at least I'm not paying insurance and servicing on that too!
Yeah I shouldn't complain too much. We do what we can to keep Americans off those roads, but I'm sure your patrols were neccessary, or atleast I'm sure they told you they were. It's good to hear that you actually got out of the bases and weren't a Fobbit.
FOBBIT, I love it, I wonder how many people actually know what that means.
For those who dont understand, a FOB (Forward Observation Base) is a small base out away from the larger bases, and those POG's (People Other than Grunts) who stay on the FOBs all the time are called FOBBITs since they stay in their little saftey holes like a hobbit.
We had a guy write up a Fobbit song that I have on my Iphone for jokes with some old military buddies now and then.