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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2013
I have been getting more and more comfortable clutching the front end up but its just so damn violent. On a dirtbike or 4 wheeler its so easy. On my 1125 I feel like I need to hit the rev limiter before I dump the clutch. Anyone really good at 1st and 2nd gear wheelies? I think I might not be at the right speed or gear or rpm. 1st gear I can get it up like a foot but 2nd gear clutch ups only happen when I'm shifting from first and not on purpose. I have a long strip to practice and I wear all of my gear. I would like to make sure im doing it right because Im not trying to thrash my bike doing it wrong.

In first gear Ill get around 4-5k and then clutch-up. I think the rpms get to around 7-8k before I dump the clutch. It feels like its about to rip my arms off and then bogs down.

I dont even try 2nd anymore.

Thanks for all the help.
In first gear Ill get around 4-5k and then clutch-up. I think the rpms get to around 7-8k before I dump the clutch

Jesus man?! Your going to break something. You dont even need the clutch to pull the front up in the first three gears. I can get the front 6 inches off the ground in 5th gear with a little hop and throttle control.

I avoid abusing my clutch when at all possible and suggest the same for all 1125 riders because honestly you dont need it. Im assuming since you mentioned dirtbikes and whatnot. But a big thing to watch is body position and compressing the forks and/or hopping on the bike helps a lot in situations. Im assuming youre doing sit downs?
Never use the clutch again.. I always do mine in 4th at 80mph. I'm on a Cr though. A little different gearing.. rpms are right around 5k to 5500.. just bounce it and throttle on the return part.. comes right up. I have done them in 5th at 100mph with 2 bounces.. please try and avoid the clutch
No clutch needed a bounce in almost any gear will get you up with a good crack of the throttle. I have noticed a few times with a passenger a nice smooth roll on in first second and third you can get a decent one too.
Yes, stop clutching.... Just stay at that rpm and give it gas and pull back... This bikes only need clutching up at rolling speed (1-10mph) and only do that if you are going to be an actual stunter. other then that just power wheelie man. Also get a CR if that is what you want the bike for.
are you talking about roll on throttle wheelies with an xb? I can't with my nine. I have to clutch it up. My bro with a rotax can roll on the throttle and pop it effortlessly.
If this makes sense,picture riding a bicycle,you set your foot to the powerstroke point,about the 1 oclock position,and push down with force,and lift on the handle bars.Let the throttle be your foot.Listen to the engine,and feel for the sweetspot.I ride wheelies on almost anything,and it seems natural to me.Hope this makes sense.it helps me.Be careful,and have fun,
My 1125r wouldnt do a wheelie. It always broke traction. It had a power commander and aftermarket exhaust. It had newer battlax on it. But if I cracked the throttle to hard, no matter if it was dry and sticky out, or wet and nasty out, it broke traction. I was gonna get a much stickier back tire but I ran into financial issues so I ended up selling it. The first time I rode a 1125r on a demo ride it easily did power wheelies so I'm sure it was a tire issue on mine.
Maybe if your sitting on the handlebars and dont have a rear tire.

Honestly. if you put the bike in first gear put your ass in the back half of the seat and dont throw your weight forward the front will lift.

The hard part is not getting the front up its keeping it down.
My 1125r wouldnt do a wheelie. It always broke traction.

I call BS on that. The statement is just asinine.

Mine does the same thing....only I know my problem. Stock tire that is bald with 7000+ miles on it. Now, it doesn't always brake traction, but I can see how one can assume this.

Something that hasn't been mentioned is placing left foot on passenger foot rest. focus your weight to this point and you can damn near pull it up whenever wherever with the 1125.

This is how I prefered to do it on my bolt.

I would not suggest stand ups for someone who is not familiar with wheelies.

Agree'd, the way you balance is way different than a seated position and a hard landing can end very badly when standing. Trust me, They call me Crash for a reason.
worse to worse,buy a cheap little klx125,or ttr 125,and practice,you are lower to the ground,and it dont cost alot if you mess it up,and the grass is softer.My brother sure did some damage to these poor little bikes,trying to wheelie.I didnt have to mow my yard or trim the bushes for a few months when he got done.