**Why Did You Buy Buell? (Please Post Why)** Results will be Tallied for Buell info.

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U posted about your Capstone Final too!!! jkjk ;)
Sorry, what exactly was ur topic? Well on that note Ill look through ur stuff, hope u dont mind. :D
I bought my buell for a chance to own history and to own something that wasn't cookie cutter in looks and ride. I've owned suzuki, honda and kawasaki of various types both sport bikes, standard and cruiser. I first saw the 1125r in 08 in a dealership and wanted one ever since, having bought my 09 this past January. There is absolutely nothing like a buell.
I love how my lightning looks, feels, and sounds. I also love that they're American. Not mainstream. Plus I love taking digs at my friends "Honda civic and toyota corola" bikes! So generic (but so popular for a reason I guess).
Accidental wheelies lmao[up]

I'm with in Dave in that I could, so I did. I like the harley sound just not the mystique or rattle. I wanted a bike that I could ride and have fun with. It looks cool as hell, get stopped and questioned all the time. Its American so hell yeah there. And lastly, I'm currently in school for Mechanical Engineering, surprise surprise, that is what Erik is. I marvel at the design and the design philosophy of this bike every time I open the garage. It truly is a work of art.
Cuz i rode my friends around the block picked up a chick and piped that night. So the moral to the story is chicks dig buells and I dig chicks so yeah we worked good together..
Well those are all great reasons. Me I met Erik while I was still serving this Great Country.In 1998 they were working on the XBs. This man was very cool/calm in demeaner and a visonary. His reputation at the show he seemed to take in stride. The prototypes were good just to look at.Over the years I watched as my fellow buddies that were serving(most younger)than me bought a few of those XB 9s. My daughter in college I had to wait.The CBR 1000 would have to do for my track days & regular riding. Very close to my Retirement in the Corps,I bought the Bike May @ 2008 XB12R Red & Black. It looks & handles good,& great Torque, the reason I ACTUALLY BOUGHT THIS BIKE, Its Built By An AMERICAN Racer of Bikes.ERIK BUELL . :D
my mom would've disowned me if i told her i wanted a gsxr, so i had my heart set on a 12ss and when i found they were not sellin anywhere close enough to take a test ride (since its my first street bike) i wanted to make sure i liked it, i found one R at waterford hd, drove an hour in a downpour to ind out they closed... from there i was determined to just see it, (never seen a Buell in person) the next free day i got off work i drove back up there with my friend and took it for a test ride and fell in love, and not like the cute way, i mean i fell in love love, like in a sick perverted way haha. put a hold on it came and got it on a wednesday and set my down payment and rode it home followed by my friend, surprised everyone, and i cant imagine my life with out it :)
I don't think I can give an exact reason for buying my bike. I was also raised in a Harley family...but...not really liking the cruisers, I was always partial to go fast rice rockets. The dealership next to my work had an x1 out front and it caught my eye. I've never seen a buell... so that night I went online to the buell website and saw the xb. I found a dealer nearby that sold them and went to see it up close. I bought it that day without even riding it. I knew the Passion Erik put into his bikes and knew I wouldn't be disappointed. I've had it since 04 and its just as fun to ride now as it was when I bought it. I guess the reason for buying the xb is innovation, and the pride Erik puts into his design and builds.
Maybe if I said that ur bike was ur long lost Lover, and the tail pipes were just right for..........um...looking at.

^ That might be a lil creepy. :D
It seems like alot of people have spent time in the service that ride Buells? Correlation????

I believe the correlation may come from a couple sources. One I would probably relate to PTSD. Many come back with a I made it through that ****, I'm "invincible". I want to go fast I want a fast bike. My grandfather came back from WWII and bought a Harley and rode it across country. Another aspect would be as a generalization, most in the service are very patriotic, very much believe in American and want to buy a American product. My last thought on it, most in the service have spent x years being exactly like everyone else. Reporting at the same time as everyone else. Dressing like everyone else. Eating the same as everyone else. We now want to be like no one else. We want to lift Jeep Cherokees because everyone else is doing Wranglers. We want to ride Buells because everyone else is on GIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXERS. We want to wear Tshirts to a funeral. We are free thinking, free living and we want to be different from the dumb masses.
Buelljek, here's my reason for getting my bike. I've never followed the in crowd. I didn't want the same gxr that everyone else had, didn't needed to go 200 plus mph, and wanted American bike. I've know of buell for since 97', have been in love with the firebolt since 2004. Why get a bike that you will see every time you stop. So fast your going to kill yourself, not to mention there isn't enough road to top out. Anybody can go straight, it takes a different bred to love twistys, which so far every buell rider has been different, but same soul. Also for me, I love riding in to downtown on a Saturday night, watching people turning their heads in between each light. Looking for a hardly..I'm mean harley...just to see this sportbike rumbling by. Guys balls shrinking because they don't have one, girls smiling at me all without raising my shield, or doing anything except driving by. That's why I got my buell!
Ok, I'll try to explain...

I really don't recall when I heard anything about Buells for the first time. But I do remember that I didn't even have a permission to ride a bike when the XB series came to the market. I had always been a fan of (dang, I hate these terms) old-school choppers and bobbers, but there was something in the XB that appealed to me.

My education is Industrial design, and I'm not shy to admit that I have a picky taste on design :D Anyway, the machine-aesthetics of the XB design was the first thing that caught my attention. Then the fact there is the air-cooled V-twin rumble in a sport bike. And lastly, one of my colleagues (never got to know who) had a gray-painted XB9 with silver frame, which I thought was over-the-top. And of course you cannot forget Erik's principles of design, and some kind of a dare-to-be-different-attitude that Buells radiate.

I finally got my rider's license back in 2006 and bought me a Sportster. That bike evolved from stock to a faux-bobber (ape, frisco and all, but with shocks) during the first winter. Then I figured out I wanted better handling, so I converted to a dragbar and middle controls. Then after riding one summer with that configuration it was like "either get some rear-sets and build a racer or get a Buell"... So I got my XB12S a month before HD decided to quit Buell. I was very close buying an XR1200 instead, but in the end I'm extremely glad I didn't!

However, I can also admit that it may not be my last bike (gotta have an old Shovelhead, right..?) but for the time being I'm happy with it. ...especially when it now has an SS swingarm and lowered suspension :D
5 years ago I was doing the CBR and Ninja thing then I “grew out of it” (got married). Then over the past 5 years a friend of mine bought a XB9R and sold it before I had a chance to see it, hear it or ride it. Then last year he bought a XB12R and I decided to do the same thing again I never had a chance to see his, hear it or ride it. I took mine for a test drive, literally the 1st time I was on a bike in 5 years. So I was more worried about staying alive then anything about the bike. 4 months later I decided I didn’t want to have $5k invested into a single bike (that didn’t have any upgrades….it was a 2007 with 1300 miles though) so I sold it (just after a Hawk upgrade….. loved it) and the next day bought a R1 (got a heck of a deal). I drove it for a month and was disgusted with it, sold it and decided to get back into the XB12R found a 2004 for the right price and started with the add-ons (race pipe, race ecm, new set of plastics, right side air scoop, polished pipes, ect). After not being on a bike for so long I took it for granted that all bikes are created equal, and they certainly are not. So why did I go back the XB12R and never leave again….. The snap, the driving control, the overall pull these bikes have from 0-100, the feeling that I don’t need the bike to race to 14k rpm to get power out of it, no one else in the UP has one, and the bark that resonates in my chest and vehicles all around atstop lights, gas stations and the highway.