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when they came out with the xb I knew I wanted one, bought a salvage 03f.b. in 05 and just like em,on number three now and I even strayed back to japan in between. torque is great they are easy to work on and maintain mine proved reliable so far and they take quite the thrashing with few complaints. and everybody else doesn't have one!
I really dont have a reason why i buy mine. It was just the right time. I was looking for bikes in the classifieds. Saw it was a repo and went and checked it out. Loved it when i saw it. Rode great. It had one prior owner. Bought from the bike for $5000. Had 6400 on the odo. Have enjoyed it ever since. Even though i bought a 2012 v- rod muscle last june.
For me I wanted the Buell before my Harley anyways but bought the Harley because of the 6 speed gear box and I thought I'd slow down and buy a cruiser I still had an itch and said screw it I'm buying a Buell I wanted one bad so I bought one.
i love motorcycles.
i had a rice grinder and its top speed got me in alot of trouble. slower top speed helps keep me in check but the torque is amazing and handles the twisties.
1200 engine
unique look (12SS)
dont see many..
love not fitting in ANYWHERE!!! street bikes hate me cause i look WAYYYYYYY better than them, sound better, and get more looks than them..
and harley riders for whatever reason despise and hate me!! :D:D:D:D

nothing makes me happier than being in a row of bikes with mine running next to a sportster or whatever, and a leather chrome pusher compliments me on my harley.. then i get on my buell and their smile just vanishes .. ;)
I wanted a bike that was American made to begin with. But the look got me when I saw it I knew I had to have the 2007 Buell firebolt XB12R in black and cherry bomb red "OMG". Once I took it threw a curve, that was it I will always have atleast one buell.
Wanted a DS bike - for mostly tar road riding, but being able to handle dirt roads when friends go offroad with their GSes. I did not want a GS as they are like piles over here - every ass has one...
it's American and i'm a proud American.
Erik Buell is a wonderful guy, a phenomenal engineer, articulate, a visionary, and daring. His products have earned the right to be purchased and experienced.
Ease of maintenance.
One of the best exhaust notes in all of motorcycling.
Unique styling and Mass-Centralization engineering when that was unheard of.
A 21st century HRD Vincent Rapide if ever there was one.
Maybe a little off the topic but......

I'm in the market to buy another buell! Why? Because I'm totally in love with my Scg! To the point my wife is getting jealous...I've been flat out rideing the wheels off of the thing, chopping, switching parts, ECMspy tuning, all of it! I've even gotten rusty at driving a car, my truck is growing stuff on it from sitting('08 toyota)

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this bike and can't stand not being on or atleast near it, I want another one! :)
I grew up around Motorcycles and rode often with my dad and brother in the dirt. I had ridden on the street only a handful of times but was never allowed to have a street bike. When I was 17 I got my MC license with my brother so we could race in the AMA dualsport races in our area(they require a MC endorsement). My dirt riding slowed down once I went to college but I just really missed being on a bike, regardless of what kind. So my sophomore year I began looking for cheap street bikes and finally settled on a Blast. I was drawn to the large single light on the front and loaded up my truck to go look at one. So in late February I bought my first street bike without telling my parents. They were a mad at first but understood I missed riding and finally warmed up to the idea. The Blast was not what got me on my XB though. While riding through downtown one day with my girlfriend at the time we just happened to park next a group of other Buells(XB's and 1125's). They said hi and were really friendly so we chatted about bikes for a while. Later on I found a Facebook group of Buell enthusiast in my area(Hoosier Thunder Club). After a few meet ups and hang outs I was hooked on everything about Buell. The sound, the feeling, and the engineering. I had to have one. So that fall I sold my Blast and bought my XB that following summer. Not only did they get me hooked on great bikes they are now some of my best friends. They are the reason I bought my XB and have been in love with it since the day I took her home.
Saw it listed for sale on another forum.....love at first sight. Sold my old bike and bought the Buell in 9 days. Been loving t ever since. Really didn't know much about the bike other than its American and its bad ass.
I saw pictures of a Buell back in 2006 and fell in love. Spent the next year learning about the engineering and design, and appreciating Erik Buell's vision.

Fast forward 6 more years, at almost 40, I finally own my first bike, a 2009 Buell XB9SX Lightning CityX. [cool]
I bought my uly because I got it used for a good price. It was the best value in a used adventure touring by far. For example, at the time I purchased an '07 Uly for the same price I would have gotten a '96 BMW GS1100.
I was sitting at a stop light like anytime just looking around and noticed a beautiful rumble from somewhere and was looking for a sheep ridding a hog. the car in front of it turns and I see a sport bike. I think to myself where's the hog? The sport bike starts puling up to turn as am i , It was like slow motion a triple black xb with straight headers(now Idk how he tuned it but..) he had all black gear on I slowed down to watch this awesome bike take off and oh he took off. Chills. I smiled the rest of the day trying to figure out how some guy put a twin in a rocket. Thinking I would pay a lot for one. Well I didn't look into in much more as I just bought a new wr250r right out of college and figured it was custom. A year or so later I'm talking with my uncle who got me into bikes said something about a uly and his description was horrid a cruiser with a huge dirt bike fender and big dumb back rest. To get a better picture in my head I hit the Google. I recognized the style immediately and it was a frantic search to find out more about these sex on 2 wheels i found it was made in wisco just up the road. How have i not heard about this sooner.
I searched for the best fit for me and being a sumo guy I was drawn to the cityx . More frantic searching on cl showed a 08 9sx about an hour away. I couldn't sleep that night and went to the bank waiting for them to open hauled ass to Milwaukee looked at it in person and oh man took it up the road turned around after the first block cuz it was so sweet. Took it home and started making it my own. I now have a 08 12ss as I'm a bigger dude I was was a little over sized for the smallest buell. And love this one just as much
Why did I buy it.
The first sight gave me chills
The sound
Made in Wisconsin
I do not see hardly any around and I hate having anything the same as everybody else.
The history behind it
Its a better rush then a crack addiction even though you get hooked worse and probably costs more. (I would guess anyway)
This is my first bike. I was searching for months on a bike that I would really enjoy. I was torn between a harley or a sports bike. Then I see it. Firebolt XB12r. It still had the Harley sound and also the sporty look. Did my research on it for a couple months, read great reviews on them. Also havent seen in riding the streets which would made me stand out. Been riding it a couple weeks now and Im totally in love with it.