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Ok so the Buell Firebolt XB12R was my first motorcycle and The reasons I picked this bike are
1. To have something different. (I had never even seen one of these on the road before)

2. The shape and design are very nice and not all covered by plastic.

3. The sound! Mine had a Drummer SS II and ecm mod.

4. The fact that this is an AMERICAN bike!

5. It will possibly be a collector bike in the future.
I bought my XB9 for a project to make an electric bike, would be perfect I thought, light stiff, cheep and looks fantastic. Only one stupid thing that completely stalled my project that I worked on for several years.........I rode it home after buying it. So stupid what the fcuk was I thinking ! Now 5000 km later my project has not moved on at all, I think the only way ahead is to buy another bike, there ain't no way I can use my buell for this.
My XB is the best handling bike I have ever ridden, I have had GSXR 750, CBR 900, the Buell is the only bike which will hold it's line over bumps mod corner, also the only bike I have ridden that has no chicken strips without feeling that you have to force it down into a corner.
It always feels like it's in the right gear, unlike Jap crap that always feel like they are in the wrong one.
Love it love it love it, of course with titanium jardine, equal lengh headers, fast intake, race ECM and BT 003 rs.
I bought my XB9S because I've always wanted a Buell. They're so different, not like every other bike you see.
No other bike I have ever owned makes stoopid torque like the Buell XB platform. Makes for stoopid fun......:D
I have always been a fan of the Buells and enjoy the Americana aspect bestowed by the Erik and his ideas. The full free spirit of the Buells that has long been forgoten by the HD Financial Status bikers. I once honored the HD company for sticking around for so long but hate the direction they are heading total (outsource). I wanted to have an Amercian made piece of machinery that is in my eyes one of the most amazingly concepted pieces ever made. I love the ideas behind them, where they are made, how they look, and how they sound. I guess Im just a lil Buell crazy!
Now if I could just figure out why my CHeck engine light is on[confused]
1. American Made
2. I wanted a bike that not everyone and their brother and sister had
3. No other bike compared too buell for instant power
4. V-twin! very loud!
5. Thanks to this website can modify every aspect of the bike to make it completely my own!
Oh, one other thing, the XB9S I bought sounds nothing like the Japanese sport bikes... it definitely causes some looks with the Jardine installed... in a word, "awesome!"
because it was kool and i had never seen one before.

because it only had 2300 miles on it.

because it was hero blue.

because it already had a drummer.

because it was in florida.

because once i heard it on youtube i knew i had to have it.

because 8 months later i still have a huge grin on my face and necks are still breaking.
My reason for buying an XB!2R are horribly practical. I am my own mechanic and do long distance touring through mountainous areas. You won't catch me pulling a chain in the middle of a 6000 mile trip for a soak & lube. Or doing a valve adjustment. How many bikes can you say that about even as the Firebolt shows ultimate competence on the most dangerous roads on the continent? Oh, and how many sportbikes can you ride 800 miles and still walk at the end of the day? That's before we get to the simplest, most elegant engineering I've ever seen and looks to die for. I'd always owned Japanese bikes. My firebolt has spoiled me for any other machine.
I had been wanting to get a motorcycle for several years. I didn't want to pay much since it would be my first bike. A coworker (who owns a couple Harleys) said I should get a Buell. I had never even looked at them. I started doing some research on them....the more I read, the more I liked 'em. Before long, I was hooked. I love that fact that they are different. I don't see them much at all around my area. I started saving my pennies and was able to purchase my 03 XB9R about a month ago. I love this bike!
Well, when I first started looking for a bike (within the last 6 months) I was pretty open to anything as long as it was a sports bike. My parents have rode since I was knee high, and the only thing they ever owned/rode were HD's. With that being said they were obviously the ones I took with me to go bike shopping. Went to a few shops here and there looking at the Jap bikes as well as the HD's. I liked both but all were out of my price range at the time. So I kept an eye out for stuff in my price range.

Then one day I came across a X1 lightning on craigslist. Long story short, loaded the truck up with a trailer and cash and went to look at it. When I got there I instantly fell in love with the look/sound and overall appeal the bike had. It was unlike any other sports bike I had seen. It sounded mean as hell and had a styling of its own. Once my folks heard/seen it was a Buell they were instantly into it. That same night we were bringing home my pride and joy. After riding it for a weeks now I don't think I'd want it any other way. I've already had people come up and ask me question while I was filling it up or parked at houses.
Bump.....seen a cyclone about 10 years ago at a Seattle Starbucks.....a sportbike that rumbles like a Harley!!? I was hooked like a heroin junkie, then on the way home I stopped at Harley dealer and they had the brand new XB's in the show room! And I could hardly contain myself but at the time I had 2 toddlers and a newborn in tow so the $13,000 XB's were out of reach until a few months ago when I scored my '05
For me it was love at first sight. I was stationed at Ft Riley Kansas when I saw my first buell. My company xo was riding an orange and white x1. Fast forward to 2003 and the invasion of Iraq. Upon return, a good friend of mine bought an m2 cyclone and immediately dropped it in my driveway. Cracked primary cover, broken shift lever and a few minor scrapes and I got it for half the price of what he paid. Rode the absolute piss out of that bike for 3 years or so. During those years I went through three belts a set of isolator bushings and months of headaches trying to change the belts in my garage with half assed tools. I returned from my fourth tour to Iraq in oct of 2011 and my wife surprised me with a trip to go see this bike she found.

Low and behold is this sexy yellow and black XB12R sitting in front of me waiting and watching. Wanting to open its maw and devour the road. I had to have it. It was no option for me. I wanted it. Road it home in 40 degree weather from just south of Kansas City, Kansas all the way back to Ft Riley. Yeah I got cold, but nothing could take the smile off of my face.
I have quite a few bikes in my stable, 1989 HD Springer Soft-tail, 2000 Hayabusa, 2006 DRZ 400SM, and assorted quads and dirt bikes. Two years ago I built a 2009 Honda Rebel "Custom Bobber" for my O'Lady to learn / ride on. No power because it was a 250, being on an expressway was outright dangerous. She bitched and complained about not keeping up with me… So I of course I had to make her happy…

Bought the Buell XB9SX Lighting – Lowered for my O'Lady. She is short, like very short, and was the only bike she could touch the ground on that had any power. (She did not want a cruiser and I considered a Buell a girls bike anyway...)

Skip forward a couple of months after purchasing and customizing her Buell. She bitched and complained about me always riding her bike. Kick me off of it and told me to buy my own… again I had to make her happy… So I had to buy my own…sniff… :D
I bought a buell BECAUSE.......

well at the time i was 16 and i like sport bikes but ive been raised around harleys and i love the sound. the first time i ever saw a buell was in my uncles garage. he buys used bikes and re sells them. at one time he has an xb9 and xb12. my mom had it in the court papers(for their divorce) i wasent allowed to be on a motorcycle until the day i turned 18.

Well that day finally came but a couple years went by without me really thinking of buying a bike and totally forgot about the buell name but never forgot the look and sound. i rang up my uncle and asked what the bike was called and he told me.

now i found an 03 with no miles on it but they kind of wanted a lot of money and it was sitting on the dealership floor and it was yellow. not my first choice in color. well a little bit more time went by and i heard harley was dropping the buell line and one of my friends picked up a brand new 1125r. turns out he knows the owner of a dealearship and i asked if they had any firebolts there for sale. he said he saw one...... well i went to the dealership asap to look at it and i guess he put a call into the owner because he came down to say hello and said look ill give it to you for 4000 out the door(bike was near mint and had 2700 miles). so after some interest with my setup payment plan ill have payed 4600 roughly out the door over a few years of payments. it was a red xb9r with a silver frame but everything else which was black. red wasent my first choice but i thought the price was good and being a painter i could always paint it. bought the bike on the spot and they delivered it for free(didnt have my license yet) and fixed a tiny tear in the seat.

i still have my buell to this day and done some little maitence here and there. its not the fastest bike on the road but i love it to death. its just something about the bike looking raw and mechanical rather then covered up by a bunch of fairings that turns me onto it....not to mention how it sounds its awesome. shes going to get a refresh next year with new paint, built engine and some other goodies.
1. I'm not getting any younger (34) and the Harley fund was going to have a major diversion (started a family). Great deals are all over the place.
2. American made.
3. It sounds like one angry F'n horse when you crank the grip.
4. The crotch rockets listen with envy, the Harley crowd nods in admiration.
Yeah, Im also a veteran.. 44 years old, Infantry 1/327 Inf 101st Airborne and the 1/506th Air Assault, 2nd Infantry Div(DMZ Korea, Camp Greaves) 1990-94 I started riding like a lot of other Southerners start riding, as kids on 3-wheelers and trail bikes, tear-assing around woods in the middle of summer, nearly getting ourselves killed at every turn. ha ha!
When I got a bit older and was in the service I started buying Honda CBRs and Kawasaki Ninjas, but those bikes never really "scratched the itch" for me. They were just too damn generic and they didn't match my lust for Ford Mustangs. When I first saw a photo of a XB9 back in '03, I heard a voice in my head saying "that's the ONE".. It just looked like a Mustang Cobra to me.. eventually I was able to test ride one and it was like finding something that you've been looking for, for a long time. I bought the Firebolt and a few years later I bought a XB9SX. The Lightning is perfect for me, now I want one in 1203. Why do I love them? Well they are real good as other guys have stated. They remind me of American military equipment. If the US Army ever needed a "Assault Bike" it would be a XB. If you were to paint it OD Green it would look totally at home sitting next to a Bradley or a Hummer...if you painted it Flat Black it would look totally at home sitting next to a B2 bomber. They just have that "combat ready" status to them. The Soldiers here know what Im talking about.. they are effective and tough. I trust mine. You can depend on one as long as they are properly maintained just as with any other military piece of equipment. The XB also has a lot of "Mad Max" in them. Its the kind of bike that would be well suited for the "End of the World" type situation. I could easily see 'ol Max running around in the outback on one, scavenging for gasoline, sleeping under a poncho hooch at night. The XB is like a sportbike for "The Wild West", a tough "all-rounder"...a survivalists sportbike. Military guys tend to like machines that are tough generalists with well-rounded capabilities, mechanical simplicity with a well thought out design plan. For me, the XB is like the AK-47 or the M-16 of the sport bike world.