Wire under front break unplugged - HELP

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2011
Hey Bolters- I noticed this wire was unplugged under the front break lever and I have no idea which way to reconnect it or even what it does. One wire is solid orange and the other is striped. Can anyone help?
Its the plug for the front BRAKE lever to turn on the BRAKE light when the leaver is pulled. Just look for a small switch on the bottom fron side of the assymbly.
Which side does the striped wire attach to when looking at the "male" pins from the clutch side of the bike? Thanks boys!
Cant say for sure. all the plug does is compleat a circuit when the leaver is pulled....so I wouldnt think it mattered.
Cant say for sure. all the plug does is compleat a circuit when the leaver is pulled....so I wouldnt think it mattered.

correct it's DC power, not AC. it doesn't matter.