Would anyone be kind enough....

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Howdy from Arizona, Julia. Here's a cactus by a lake north of Phoenix.


Here are a couple of Buells above Jerome, AZ. While taking this picture, a lady noticed the Buells and mentioned that her husband owned a Buell. It turned out that they were fron England and had rented a Harley to tour the west. He was a BuellXB member, could that have been ya'll?

Willegoat thats one beautiful part of the world you are living in! Julia loves the scenery and the bikes, we wish it had of been us that you met and who knows one day with a miracle it could just be! Thank you mate! :up:
Hey sarah! the 1st lady and thats made her smile! Thanks to you and your bf and we hope you have a good day too! I am truly touched by everyone`s kindness on this forum its way exceeded what i had hoped for and really done Julia some good! THANK YOU ALL!! its like we have a virtual American family! :applause:
This is my beautiful wife Julia she wanted to say hi to all the kind people the best way she can, bless her she is usually all smiles but trust you have all done a good job in lifting her spirits! Thank you! 20120120_151323.jpg
Hello Julia and Tone...not only are we neighbors by country separated by water and here on the forum, but also I'm a native Virgin Islander from Christiansted, St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands. The British Virgin Islands, literally a stones throw away, lol. My dad spent time over the years traveling back and forth between Tortola, St. Thomas and St. Croix when he wasn't working. He was a hillbilly from west Tennessee and my mom is also a native of St. Croix...hence me being a "Puerto Rican, Cruzan Hillbilly":D
Making things even more interesting and extremely entertaining are my uncle and his wife...he's Puerto Rican and she's Cuban. It's like watching fireworks go off when they have a disagreement:D
Hope you have a great day, the both of you:angel:
Wow thrstmech thats a brilliant cultural mix you have there! i have heard the virgin islands are very beautiful, i will google them later! Its a shame someone put all that water between us but then thats what makes the interesting differences between the US/UK and at least one of us can speak English! ha ha sorry i couldn`t resist! lol you enjoy your day too mate Thanks! :eagerness:
djs 7pm here now and she had a nice day in the garden with me and the dog and her daughter is here as its school summer holidays at the moment so its been a lovely day thank you for asking! we hope you have a good day too! Thanks mate! :eagerness:
Julia, greetings from the middle of the Willamette Valley in Oregon. My sister and a few of my favorite customers are dealing with MS. For as debilitating as the disease is, the strength and positivity maintained and shared by those so encumbered make my worse days fade into insignificance. You seem like one of those who radiates light and joy. You've made my day.
Little late but, hey julia, I am from goodlettsville,Tn near Nashville where all the country stars hang. I wish you the best, and Tone seams like a great guy, you are the prettiest thing in that picture, and cute little dog, i wish you could see some of the sunshine from over here in the states. I sure miss the cider over there though.
Thanks ztled its never too late to say hi and you got a big beaming smile from Julia! Its good of you to take the time to do it so thanks again mate! And its just the bike that aint cute or pretty then hey, why how very dare you! ha ha ha We must work out a deal to trade sunshine for cider! Sounds like a really cool place to live for sure! :eagerness: