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Hey willegoat! Julia loves the frog and the link thanks mate! thats really cool that they still do that to this day it must be a good tourist attraction and it looks like a beautiful place to ride your bike i love it! Dont show this to Chicago he will go and turn it into the "crazy frog!" ha ha ha :eagerness:
Hey Julia, well I graduate today scored 88 on final so i won't get honor grad but I have a job, and an award for prestigious shooter so woooooohooooooooo!
Hi Tone, Julia And Tiny. We have been real busy lately with getting married, moving into a new house and all. Haven't had a lot of time to relax. Just wanted to say hi, Jess said to let Julia know that she is working on something for her and hopes to have it finished before the Christmas holiday. Hope all is well.
John and Jessica
djs2k2.. well done mate from me and Julia that is really great news! not sure what honor grad is (sorry) but glad you have a job! i am no good at shooting, i couldn`t hit the side of a barn from the inside! lol :eagerness: ...... John and Jessica Hi from us all, well not Tiny he`s a dog and dont say much! lol Congratulations again on your wedding and the house move, we are really happy for you both! Sorry not been in touch much but thought after a wedding you may want some undisturbed "you" time! ;) Please thank Jessica for being so kind and thinking of Julia and you too of course!! All is well here thanks and hope its the same for you! :eagerness:
Hey Julia, I hope your holidays went well and you were able to keep Toan in check for the new year! Arizona weather has been crazy as Mt Lemmon in Tucson got 18" of snow last week...... East coast has been warmer than normal and west coast colder?
Hello mate! a big smile and hello from Julia too! we had a good christmas etc thanks, we hope yours was good too? The world weather is bonkers at the moment isnt it and i guess its because its an "El Nino" year this year. That snow sounds nice on the mountain we would love to see that because all we get here lately is rain and then more rain but at least its quite warm here!
Hello again Julia and Tone from Las Vegas. I hope all is going well on the other side of the pond and your staying warm and dry. Also I wanted to wish you two a happy Valentine's Day.
This sunset photo was taken off the coast of Grand Cayman on a cruise that I proposed to my now fiancé on. It was quite the experience and I thought you two might enjoy looking at some of the beautiful scenery.
Zip line in Jamaica.
And lastly because it's less important. I couldn't get myself to go in but couldn't resist taking a picture.
Hope you enjoyed.
Hi Julia, from freezing cold nj. Happy Valentine's day to you, Tone, and Tiny. And by the way Tone spent ten million dollars on new rotors so your Valentine's day gift should be double that!!!!!...lol
Bambam thank you mate from me and Julia those photos are awesome and Julia especially loves the sunset one! We hope your day is going really good too! :eagerness: And wicked Shhh i didnt tell her that yet! lol Its ok she knows really and for valentines day she gave me one of her kidneys to help pay for the rotors bless her! ha ha ha ha ha JOKING! :black_eyed: You have a really nice day too mate! Thanks chaps you are the BEST! :applause:
Where is the delete button!!! they are better than the ones i got her! ha ha ha Seriously thanks mate thats really kind of you! i cant stop the silly cow smiling now with what you have all done for her today! THANKS CHAPS!! :D :D Julia says good night America, sweet dreams to one and all! :sleeping:
Happy Valentine's day to you too Toan..... Lol didn't want you left out JK! Julia hope you had a wonderful day and was treated well by that hooligan....I took my family to the famous Tombstone AZ. The historic silver mine and Cowboy town, it was one of the bloodiest streets in America back in the day... There's even the movie Tombstone....
Thanks mate! ha ha ha we had a good day thanks but not as good as yours, man i would love to see that place it sounds awesome! I hope you didnt get into a shootout with your family in the saloon bar! lol :eagerness:
Where do you and Julia live exactly? And we actually did get in a shootout....... My 8 year old daughter got to shoot an authentic colt 45 with 45 cal sim rounds.. She got a head shot unassisted, needless to say daddy is proud! The Marine corps rubbed off on her lol....
Hello mate! we live right on the south eastern edge of London on the surrey border around the croydon area.If you want more details Pm me if thats ok? Wow say well done to her from us! it sounds like she is a chip off the old block for sure and that is one big old gun isnt it? does it kick hard when it recoils? she must have some strength for her age! have you got your bike sorted yet?
With the simulation paint rounds there's no kick at all its weird but it's still heavy and she is so tiny, it was impressive... Not sure on the bike I checked to see if plug wires came loose and cleaned throttle body and airbox, but I dont think I've scratched the surface on tracking the problem down. I just don't have the space to work on it. I may have to save up and take it in to a shop" normally I would never"!
Oh i was going to say a real one would break her arm! but the skill is still the same and very impressive she must have the eye for it! sorry about the bike but you watch it will be something silly in the end! i only had trouble with y bike once so far and that was plugs and leads so i fitted Ngk iridiums and Iron machine leads an the difference was amazing! Good luck with it i hope you manage to fix it soon!