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Hello Julia from the top of two different mountains here in Las Vegas, NV. Hope you enjoy the beautiful views as much as I do and hope all is well on that side of the pond.
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Hi Bambam from Julia! sorry mate i missed these pics and just saw them now! Mate those places are amazing it must feel so good to be up there looking down and leaving all your problems down there for a while at least! Julia loves the photo`s Thanks Bambam! :eagerness:
What's up Julia! I got a award from the Bureau of Prisons, it's a special act award for going above my required duties and finding drugs. I didn't even know I got an award until someone told me! It came with a nice certificate signed by the warden, a nice little chunck of change, and points towards my promotions once they become competitive! My first few promotions are noncompetitive.... To be honest when i found the drugs I just knew for sure it was going to be nothing but bamn pure codeine powder, and they get no medications with codeine in it!
Hello from Julia! I just read all of this to her and mate big CONGRATULATIONS from both of us! That has to feel good and remind you what an important worthwhile job you do, its nice to know you are appreciated! Your whole life record is one to be bloody proud of with everything you have done and achieved so far with more still to come no doubt! WELL DONE! :eagerness: P.s how the bloody hell do they get this stuff in there?
They are really intelligent to be so stupid! They build speakers from near scratch, take popsicle sticks asAnd build motorcycles that look like they are solid blocks of wood, tattoo guns from ink pens little motors rubber bands and paper clips, tattoo ink from burning magazines and scraping the carbon off mixing a little alcohol from a alcohol pad! Even though we give them full body scans sometimes it comes in there prison purse "aka in the butt"
Helllllllllllllllllooooo Julia.....I've said hello privately and publicly on this forum and will continue to do so. If you guys ever make it stateside my house is yours!!!!! Heading out to the track Sat morning for the first time w the buell........my laps will be dedicated to you Julia! And hello to Tiny also
Hi Julia! Here is a pic from one of my favorite beaches here in Oregon...been going there since I was a kid. The water is frigid since we get our current coming down from Alaska. I think of the Oregon coast as more of a spectator sport...beautiful to look at, not so much to play in. But, there are many hearty souls out there who disagree and romp around in that cold water. Like I told Tone...if you are ever in our part of the world, would love to meet you both! :D

haystack rock.jpg
Hi to wicked and submax from Julia! thanks chaps from me!.... wicked we are leaving now to claim your house but where will you live? ha ha ha same offer to you if you ever make it over to old blighty you can have the whole ground floor to yourselves! Enjoy your track time mate have fun, julia loves the dedication thats very kind of you! Tiny said nothing.. he`s a dog! ha ha ha..... Submax that place is bloody beautiful julia loves it too! it looks like you could swim around that island but i bet its further than it looks so maybe not! and if the water is that cold at least you dont get any flashers then! ha ha ha We would like to meet you too and it looks like wicked just gave us his house so who knows! ha ha ha seriously though the same offer stands for you too, you are welcome to stay with us if you make it over to old blighty! I have to say Americans are very friendly and welcoming way more than the English i am sad to say! Have a nice weekend chaps and thank you for thinking of julia it really lifts her spirits!! :eagerness: :eagerness:
Howdy again from Arizona. Here is a tumbleweed flower. I'll bet you didn't even know tumbleweeds had flowers.


I took this pic in my backyard a few days ago. If you look close, you will see an ant just below the flower.
Hello mate! well you are right there we didnt have a clue that it had flowers so we learned one new thing today! Julia thinks its really pretty and i think the ant is awesome are you really david attenborough undercover? lol perfect timing! :applause: :eagerness:
Have a good one Julia getting on a plane to fly across the country for training.......
Hey 248! thats very kind and yeah that sure put a smile on her face thank you! our dog is so small that we have to keep an eye on him in the snow or we may lose him! lol Have a nice day mate! :eagerness:
Hey Julia I'm still training in Ga I graduate on Friday and i will receive an award for shooting prestigious on all three weapons platforms " all bullseye's on the pistol, m4 rifle, and shot gun". Technically I'm still I the running for honor grad but it's near impossible as on my final exam i would have to get 78 out of 80 questions correct, ranging from legal to practical questions! Anyways thought you might want an update back to lunch and then class. Have an amazing day..........
Hey Julia and Tone and Tiny....forgot u guys had a dog. Tone I put pics of our current dog and one of our old dogs up on "so who has a dog" or whatever that thread was if ya wanna show Julia. Julia I hope your having an amazing day, I'm sure you are you have one hell of a good man with you. Sincerely, Wally
Hi djs2k2 from Julia! glad the training is going well and mate you are a good shot sounds like you could shoot the nuts off a gnat from 100ft! lol good luck when you do that final exam we dont even like filling in forms we hate ANY paperwork! You have a good day too, keep up the good work!! Thanks for the update Julia (and me!) enjoyed hearing that! :eagerness:
Hi wally! Julia says hello thanks for the kind words! we just checked out your dog(s) sorry to hear they are no longer around but glad you still have them nearby thats really nice! Tiny had a brother called "friskY" we called him the lovable lunatic mate that dog was clumsy! lol we have his ashes in an urn here with us Julia wanted him in the warm with her bless her! You have have a good day too mate! :eagerness: