XB12 vs SV650 story

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I wish I could ride better cause the guy at work who has an r6 flames all the time for wearing full gear. He rides in shorts and t shirt no helmet. I wish I could shut him up.
He's an idiot for bragging about riding without gear, but you're an idiot for bragging about crashing in the street. I'm all for pushing it to the limits... On the track. When it comes to street riding, there's no place for that kind of ****. If you're riding fast enough to wipe out in ideal conditions, you're riding waaaaaay too fast for when conditions turn sour. And we all know that can happen in the next corner on the street.

Slow down on the street, take your attitude to the track, and try to educate rather than belittle people who ride without gear.
I wish I could ride better
it is easy to improve ones skill sets with time and patience, keep focusing on yourself and what to do to make yourself a better rider, understand your bike more so and if the opportunity to get some track time arises then by all means get on it.

But to use some clown as your motivation so that you can
shut him up
just because
the guy at work who has an r6 flames all the time for wearing full gear
then no offense greasy but he has already beaten you mentally without getting on the bike.....
imho the only person you should be in competition with is yourself.

sparky300, Fatty SS
well said [up]
Slow down on the street, take your attitude to the track, and try to educate rather than belittle people who ride without gear.
I would agree with your first two points. However I don't think you can fault him for chirping back when he was getting poked at to begin with. I think it's a funny story and based on gloomshadows posts, and his crash it seems like he has a pretty cool attitude. If you call someone out and you don't have the skill set to back it up you deserve to get made a fool of. $.02

What I really want to know is where are the pictures of the hot 20 yr olds? We can all agree on that. :D
You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, you know? In my state, helmets aren't mandatory, so very few riders wear them. Me being fully geared pretty much garauntees that I'll have to explain that no I'm not hot in all this stuff, and yes I can see just as well with the helmet, and yes I can still feel the controls with my gloves, and no my thin soles boots aren't slippery on the ground and all the other related stupid questions I hear at every third gas station.

I've found that cracking a joke when the first open their mouths puts people at ease and gives me an opportunity to mention that crashes are unpredictable and that I wear gear to ensure that if I wreck I'll have the best possible chances of escaping injury. I don't rant to strangers about it (which is funny, because I am right now...), I just mention that and move on. The key is to catch people off gaurd with a good joke before they have a chance to get snappy with me. Replying 'because I WRECK, yo!' is a sure fire way to get into an argument with someone.

Some of my favorite ice breakers:

Person sees me in gear: 'do you ride?'
'No, I'm just really accident prone.'

'Aren't you hot in that?'
'Yeah, but I'm acclimating my body to higher temperatures for when global warming kicks in'

'Why are you wearing all that gear?'
'Im on my way home from Alaska, and it's really cold up there! *unzip jacket* Maybe I should stop more often...'

'Whats up with all that gear?'
'Huh? Oh ****, my cover is blown! Where's the nearest phone booth?!'
Yeah I need to take some pictures next time.
and for all the "ego checkers".. I got 22 years on the street , been in and out of comas.. lost 4 bikes over the years.. disintergrated a Ninja 600R on to some ones driver side door.. bla bla bla and every one of the serious wrecks that happened to me were and normal street speeds involving uncontrollable factors like animals, cars and pine needles.. most of the minor ones involved low-sides, too much lean angle and not enough speed or slightly too much throttle exiting the apex... most of the time its not a big deal. Around town Im a "good boy" most of the time.
But Ill take a dude that talking too much **** and well go out on some back roads out here and Ill work him over.. and if I end up in the back, that's OK, Ill just be behind you PUSHING you faster, until you back off that throttle. Im ex-Infantry 1/327th RECON and 1/506 Airborne, Ive already put my life on the line for this ****** up system, I got no problem putting my life on the line for honor.. I don't really care if I die when I get mad.. I guess its just in my DNA to be a ******* bastard.

do I have a "ego"? **** YEAH!!.. who rides a motorcycle and DOESNT HAVE A EGO?? Knock it the **** OFF!
*ignoring the last reply*

The only time I get cranky with people on the bike is when the first thing they say is that someone they know died on a motorcycle.

'My cousin got killed on a crotch rocket'

I always give a nasty reply to that...

'My last wife died of autoerotic asphyxiation. What the **** is your point?'
Maybe you wouldn't crash so much if you were not riding above your skill level... You should be riding at a point where you can still successfully handle an emergency without crashing.

If you want to ride like an *******, do it at the track. You might not be afraid to die, but it isn't about just you. It's about who you might hurt and kill on the road. Your family and friends who have to watch your mangled body go into the ground.

Let that soak in a little. Seriously.
Riding without gear is just nuts, bragging is insane.

And all you guys that are okay with going down every once and a while are insane too! I felt the same way until I went down (a month ago). Its not the recovery that sucks. Its getting the parts!

Im dying over here I just want to ride and I cant find a damn fairing mount for my XB9R.

PS I love the SV650
Yeah I need to take some pictures next time.
and for all the "ego checkers".. I got 22 years on the street , been in and out of comas.. lost 4 bikes over the years.. disintergrated a Ninja 600R on to some ones driver side door.. bla bla bla and every one of the serious wrecks that happened to me were and normal street speeds involving uncontrollable factors like animals, cars and pine needles.. most of the minor ones involved low-sides, too much lean angle and not enough speed or slightly too much throttle exiting the apex... most of the time its not a big deal. Around town Im a "good boy" most of the time.
But Ill take a dude that talking too much **** and well go out on some back roads out here and Ill work him over.. and if I end up in the back, that's OK, Ill just be behind you PUSHING you faster, until you back off that throttle. Im ex-Infantry 1/327th RECON and 1/506 Airborne, Ive already put my life on the line for this ****** up system, I got no problem putting my life on the line for honor.. I don't really care if I die when I get mad.. I guess its just in my DNA to be a ******* bastard.

do I have a "ego"? **** YEAH!!.. who rides a motorcycle and DOESNT HAVE A EGO?? Knock it the **** OFF!
I used to have the exact same outlook on life. Trust me the older you get the more that attitude will pass as you get more things in your life you love and would hate to leave behind. Just make sure you live long enough to get to that point :)
for all the "ego checkers".. I got 22 years on the street , been in and out of comas.. lost 4 bikes over the years.. disintergrated a Ninja 600R on to some ones driver side door.. bla bla bla and every one of the serious wrecks that happened to me were and normal street speeds involving uncontrollable factors like animals, cars and pine needles.. most of the minor ones involved low-sides, too much lean angle and not enough speed or slightly too much throttle exiting the apex... most of the time its not a big deal.

That's something to be proud of right there . As much as you beleive a accident isn't you fault paying attention, leaving a buffer zone and slowing down may be able to prevent your next wreck better than any gear. Don't get me wrong it sounds like you need all the gear you can afford .

Save riding like your ******** on fire for the track . Maybe you are ok with dying but I'm sure the guy emptying you soupy remains will be haunted by it. I to push my limits but on the highway is not the place

I get your argument that something's can't be avoided but at somepoint in life you need to look in the mirror and say. Maybe I'm the problem and fix it. After as many wrecks as you I think I'd sell the bikes and move on. But good for you for jumping back on that horse. You have bigger testes than I .

Ride safe!
I get your argument that something's can't be avoided but at somepoint in life you need to look in the mirror and say. Maybe I'm the problem and fix it. After as many wrecks as you I think I'd sell the bikes and move on. But good for you for jumping back on that horse. You have bigger testes than I .


I am a chicken tender having ʎssnd after my accident that almost took my life.


I am a chicken tender having ʎssnd after my accident that almost took my life.

join the crowd jesse. i was in a horrific accident at age 17 on US hwy. 1 in rising sun, MD which killed my GF and her GF who was driving the car. i never drove or rode wild after that. some things leave a lasting impression that last a life-time.
Sorry to hear John, that sounds horrible!!!

i never drove or rode wild after that. some things leave a lasting impression that last a life-time.

Dont get me wrong I cant resist the urge to make a top speed run on a empty highway from time to time, but hitting some mountain roads as hard as possible to impress my friends is in the past.
Im not bragging, Im just "delivering".. Im just not cut from that cloth were "you don't fight back" Im oldschool.... as for "riding within your skill level".. yeah I do that most of the time, but its like "working out" you gotta try to do it better and better or your skill level will never increase... you gotta go outside your comfort zone to see what its like, just to see if you can do it. But that's just me maybe, I was a born "risk-taker".. if I wanted to be "safe" Id be in a SUV... but like I said before, maybe its just me, I don't care. I like that "fight or flight" response..gets those hormones flowing... who knows? I may be a high-functioning psychopath for all I know.. by looking at the life I lived, half of it was either spent in a army or a prison so yeah.. Im "not normal".. Im same way with women, I always go for the "bad girl"..I like the one youre not "supposed to have"..

as for "not caring about dying".. Ive lived a great life, I enjoy the bad times as much as the good times.. Im 44 but I look like Im 32 and I can date chicks half my age.... I could go right now and be satisfied. I don't WANT to die but Ive just accepted that I eventually gonna die anyway and Id rather die doing what I want to do instead of dying up in some old folks home with maggots and roaches all up in my dick. I got to a certain age where Im like "**** it" I got no responsibilities and I don't care anymore. I just like pleasure and I try to avoid pain.. death, that's no big deal, been there done that, it hits you and its "lights out".. youll never even know that it happened.

Its all cool though.. if you wanna ride around and just ride Im cool with that. That's what I do most of the time, but if someone pisses me off.. "Im gonna fight back".. its just "in me".

Now I know that riders all have egos and Im gonna get some guys who wanna get into some kind of a pissing match about who is a better rider than who. yeah that's all good. I love to recognize greatness when I see it. Im not the kind of guy to thing "Im the **** and youre not, Im not like that". Its just if you come at me, Im gonna wanna see a demonstration..thats all. I like to see someone back up their words, Im not pissed off at guys that can do cool ****, Im like "right on, youre the ****!" ha

Now im gonna post my facebook, feel free to friend me.. youll see that IM NOTHING LIKE YOU EXPECT.. and I don't even have motorcycle stuff on my facebook! Nothing but me hanging out with badgirls ha!

Wow you guys really threw me under the bus......

In no way did I say I ride hard on the street..... I just said I wish I could shut him up cause everyday I leave work I get poked at for wearing gear. And I only ride 10 minutes home.

I have rode with rchuff and yes I may not do the posted speed limit on the highway but in no way am I riding hard......

Nor am I an idiot
well I went down the rabbit hole....

since I am not on Zombieland/Facebook but I decided to click on your profile link GloomShadow for ***** and giggles...
I can see where your screen name may emanate from, you kinda look like Gowan (the 80's for you young guys)...but I digress

I LOL'ed

but thats just me.

ride safe Buellers, for a lot of us it is that time of the season where we get our horses out and the cagers once again do not realize we share the road with them.

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