XB12 vs SV650 story

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nope **** those hats! hahah That was from a little music video I made..the director wanted that.. Im just a Gothster from way back and I host BDSM shows and Nightclubs! ha ha
come down to Firestone In Orlando.. Ill hook you up with the wrong girl!
thanks Gloom but I found the 'wrong' girl that was so right for me when I was 40 so I married her ;)

as for trippin down to Firestone, I have not been allowed in your country for over a decade for a myriad of reasons and really have no desire to leave my blissful existence living in the wilderness of British Columbia...
thanks anyways
Every dick is entitled to his/her opinion...so with that I'll say ride your ride, but if you end up killing someones loved one you better realize your f*ck it attitude is gonna get jacked...


You just look like a 40 year old fruit to me.

That's something to be proud of right there . As much as you beleive a accident isn't you fault paying attention, leaving a buffer zone and slowing down may be able to prevent your next wreck better than any gear. Don't get me wrong it sounds like you need all the gear you can afford .

Save riding like your ******** on fire for the track . Maybe you are ok with dying but I'm sure the guy emptying you soupy remains will be haunted by it. I to push my limits but on the highway is not the place

I get your argument that something's can't be avoided but at somepoint in life you need to look in the mirror and say. Maybe I'm the problem and fix it. After as many wrecks as you I think I'd sell the bikes and move on. But good for you for jumping back on that horse. You have bigger testes than I .

thanks man, most of my wipeouts happened back in the early 90s.. that was a long time ago. I was in my 20s and didn't have as much experience.. little **** like, I didn't know that a pile of pine needles in the apex of a turn were slippery,.. and that 65mph in a 35 zone was "fast", you know, the stupid **** that young guys do. Now that I know the deal a lot better I know when I can get away with something and when I cant.. I understand "acceptable risk" and "unacceptable risk".. ive been rolling these dice a long time, I know my number may come up but I have accepted that, I just try to balance the risk out by taking reasonable precautions.. BUT, I also know how I am.. I got a temper, when those "fangs" come out I sometimes click over to "kamikaze mode"..its just something in my character that some may consider a vice but for the most part Its served me well so I consider it to be a "virtue"..its all about "balancing" those forces of Yin and Yang I guess. ha
lol Nah I'm good. I keep my FB solely for keeping in touch with Military buddies that I don't get to talk to otherwise.

No need for a dick measuring contest either...look how you want to, makes no difference to me.
Prison-Style??? rofl I'm so worried. I highly doubt Prison Rape happens via the internet.

I was in a Cav unit stationed up at Fort Carson 4th ID. Good old medical platoon. Just a scout till your education comes in handy.

I do have to say, and let me preface that I understand it, but all the "death doesnt' bother me" rhetoric is complete B.S. Who knows I may be wrong...Some of us have seen a lot of it but deep down it bothers all of us.
The rape is "psychological".. ha ha ha

I was in the 1/506th Infantry back when that unit was on the DMZ in Korea, camp Greaves and did my DMZ mission at Guard Post Collier, that's all closed down now. I was a 60 gunner at that time, then did 2 years at Campell with the 1/327th INF the Recon platoon as a Scout. Also did the MFO Mission in Egypt from there (easy mission) got out in 1994 Then later on I did a few years of contract work in between other misadventures. Did some hard time for a manslaughter charge in New Orleans.. 3 vs 1 the hard way .. I was defending a women but still got charged for it.

Anways, no death doesn't bother me too much (my own death that is) I had it happen already and I didn't even know what hit me..woke up 3 days later. "wtf was that?" I don't even worry about it at the time, if its gonna happen its gonna happen. What would suck is to get some kind of "death sentence" and youd be sitting around waiting for it for years.. that would suck.

Anyway. Im just saying that not everyone is built the same, Ive met some weird weird dudes in my time.. not everyone reacts the same way to stress, just like in basic and AIT some dudes puss out early , some later, some not at all. then you find these guys that have no psychological limits about any of that **** and love it.. Prison is full of guys like that.. some of those dudes are FAR more nuts than a Ranger... and just beyond mean.! (I wasn't one of those guys though, don't get me worng)
Your defidently not put together like most sane people I know. But sounds like you got your share of reasons for that.

I just don't get why your bragging up going to prison for man slaughter or accidents? Maybe it's just getting translated wrong threw typed words but it sounds like bragging . Just seem strange .
no Its not bragging, its just telling my story.. also I have nothing to hide. Everyone who knows me in personal life knows all of this about me. My story has helped me a lot in my personal life. See, if you got "skeletons in you closet, you have to know how to make them dance.".. Why?.. because secretly, most people are "bad".. not SUPER BAD, but .."bad" and they feel safe telling you their secrets because they know that I cant judge them. Especially the women.. the women like a guy that is bad.. not TOO BAD.. but "bad enough".. especially if youre real good to them. This has been proven by psychological studies too.. The "good girls" love me.. but I actually like the "bad girls" better..
oh9bolt yeah. I got a video up from a few weeks ago where I went down at about 50 bc a cat came out of nowhere and ran under my front wheel.. but that first one that put me out, I got photos my mom took at that time but they are from the early 90s and on hard copy. I can scan them later but they just show me in the hospital at Walter Reed.. when I got out a few months later, I didn't even think about the bike, I gave it to a friend as junk parts and I got shipped out back home. Took 2 years to recover...

other little low-sides I took I never even bothered.. the speed were usually fairly slow anyway and not much damage happened, scraped swingarms lost pegs bent clip ons ..just little ****

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