To answer a few questions,
-The header is polished.
-Will the seat have a cafe "bubble back". The seat is actually done. There are pictures of the bike "mocked" up on page 5 (I think).
- The rear axle and swingarm pin were just polished enough to remove some corrosion instead of replacing. The front axle is new. I was careful not to go through the coating. Should be fine. They are cheap to replace if need be.
-I nickel plated the oil lines with a home electroless plating
kit. I just plated the steel portion after polishing and cleaning. The stainless portions I just polished. These kits work well for this type of stuff. I've had good success in the past.
-As for the carple tunnel, lol. Polishing is a lot of work initially, but if done well, it is actually pretty easy to take care of. Just a wipe down with a micro fiber cloth after a ride and an application of Wenol once in a while.
It might be a while before I work on the project. Had a dirt bike "incident". Nothing too major. Busted nose, tooth and a concussion. Once I stop feeling like
10 second Tom I'll finish up the bike.