Xb12ss dead spot at 4k-4500 any other tunes out there

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May 16, 2017
So I bought a buelltooth....downloaded what files buelltooth website had for a bue2d. None really solved the 4k-4500 dead spot. Now the buelltooth won't even power up. Emailed them about the dongle...haven't heard back yet.

Does anyone have a tune that works good on 75 degree weather 1100 ft ele with a d&d exhaust and k&n filter?
Or any suggestions as to the buelltooth not working g suddenly. I dumped a tune into it like 2 weeks ago and everything was fine...aside from it running worse. Haha
Joejo, man that's not so good... the D&D comes alive at 4K (peak TQ IIRC). Post what tune you flashed and I'll have a look.

Tried every tune here for the xb12 bue2d.
Currently have the Jardine rt1 tune. It's really bad. The bike ran pretty good...then ran like crap. Then wouldn't Rev past 4 without alot of stumbling. Then it started running okay. Now it's parked and until I get a new buelltooth I can't change anything.
They are like xpr files that I cannot open...plus I'm almost completely technology illiterate so if there is something specific you want me to post lmk. Thanks
Ok all I was asking for was the actual .xpr file name that you are running... now that you have posted more info it sounds like you have more going on giving you problems than a tune right? Best to get that issue solved then figure out if the tune is actually giving a dead spot or not. I'd suggest with the D&D to first try a generic "race" tune, this would be a good starting point and the fuel/timing are based off of a better flowing air filter and buell "race" muffler.
Sorry, 2009 xb12ss bought with 7k on the clock now it had 11k, I guess I rode it more then I thought last year.

Little background tho. I bought it as it is now. I just did plugs and wires to it. It had a horrible popping on deceleration and a dead spot so I bought the buelltooth and dumped a few different tunes in it. They all got rid of the horrible popping on deceleration and they ran a tad better but the 4-4500 hesitation was still there.so this season I tried the last tune ok the website and it ran like total crap. This is where I am now
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Joejo, Ok that info helps! So first things first is to get that replacement bluetooth dongle because all the advice you are going to receive on here will either be based on what the ECM can tell us or help you/us trouble shoot at the very least. Once you get connected again you will want to see what the AFV value is reading and if you have any stored trouble codes. If you are on a map and sometimes it is OK in the 4K-4.5K area and other times not it would lead me to believe your problem is not actually the maps but elsewhere...

For example if your AFV is reading a value of say 120 that means the bike has had to add 20% more fuel across the entire map BUT there is only so much fuel the stock setup can give so you are Hitting a wall so to speak... this would point me to start looking at fuel flow (weak/dying pump, regulator, clogged injector etc...). Not saying this example applies to your bike, it could be any number of things causing this.

Before you flashed any map how was it running? The same with that dead spot? Was it a stock map before you flashed and did you save it?

I will point out one other thing that I've seen first hand, sometimes when communicating with the ECM through the bluetooth dongle (flashing a map) all the data doesn't get transferred and ends up corrupt. If the bike was OK then after the flash this issue came up you may want to hold off until you get the replacement to flash again and see if it cures your problems.
Lowkey, I'd love to say I saved the file that was on the bike, but I didn't. It still ran with the dead spot anyway plus it backfired and popped alot on deceleration so I wasn't to upset about losing it. The map for the drummer exhaust ran pretty good just that dead spot. I never had any codes either.
Has the "dead" spot always been there? Kind of sounds like it has since day one. The only question I have is do you experience this dead spot in the same RPM range in every gear or only in specific gears?
I had what I thought was a tuning issue about 3yrs ago. It was suggested that I perform a map reflash. I did not. Instead I did everything I could to isolate the problem. I insured my plugs were good. I made sure the timing was set correctly. I insured the battery was 100%. I checked all my grounds and connections. I replaced my intake seals, they had a very slight leak. Anyway. I made sure(as the ECMspy tuning guide suggests) that my bike was 100% mechanically sound. That's when I discovered that my issue was only in third gear. At first I thought it was around the rev range you're having issues in. But it wasn't until I knew without a shadow of a doubt everything I could check mechanically was good that the true issue with my bike revealed itself.
After rebuilding my transmission, I've had zero "fueling" issues. This is with my bike still running the same old Buell race ECM that has been in my bike for about ten years.

My suggestion to you, and to anyone thinking of flashing a new map on their ECM, is to insure your bike 100% mechanically sound prior to doing so. Otherwise, you'll be chasing your tail never finding the true issue.
Good luck
Why do the dongles kick the bucket so fast anyway??? I have had very bad experiences with the dongles!
Good description chicknstripn! I was trying to figure out the best way to explain the issue is 99% probably not the map he is running but some other problem that needs to be addressed. My "for example" was trying to elude to any number of issues with the bike could be causing this and that is just one of many that it possibly could be, yours is another one and it is going to need to be pinpointed to resolve the issue.

Joejo, there are many XB's running around with the D&D/K&N combo with no dead spot, I run both of those on an 07STT and 4K is where the bike lifts the front off the ground for example on the "race" maps. Just take a step back and try to replicate the dead spot over and over looking for a pattern, that is how it sounds chickstripn found it was 3rd gear on his, you may find it only does it when engine is hot or cold or something for us to help you out. Run a data log once you get your replacement, maybe someone can see something from that. If you could capture it on video that may help as well... just throwing out ideas.
Granted these dongles aren't Coles, but if the bluetooth chips are coming from the same supplier he said they have been sending out some bad batches. Cole has since found a new supplier for himself. GregXB, It's not in fashion these days but the USB cables were pretty solid! I wish I didn't lose mine! Cole offers those as well BTW.:up:
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I can say that the dead spot is in all gears except 1st bc it revs past the bad spot so quickly
Also this thing will barely pull the wheels in second so I assume something isn't right after hearing about how much snot these bikes have
Ok so when you get that replacement you are going to want to look up the AFV value and double check for codes or historic codes and we can give you a hand further.
Roger that. Anyone near west pennsylvania that wants to deal with this bike.

Also how would a specific gear make a bike feel like a fuel issue? I'd think it would make some bad noises or shift badly or something else.