Xtremelow's War Horse Build Start to End

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Man that exhaust sure has makes a statement! Didn't like it initially but its growing on me now. Still need to warm up to the offset headlight but bike looks clean and unique [up]

I have to swing by the upholstery shop tomorrow to check on the Select seat.

As to how the bike will be ridden, my style isn't to let things sit ;)





Getting the stickers off the tires


375 miles;)

few hundred later
Looking back it really didn't take that long. But worth the anticipation. Looks awesome man![up]
.....quick and dirty $5000 on top of the bike price
and another 80 hours into the build.....

OK, so I added up some receipts and basically ever item not found on a stock Firebolt to make my bike into what it is. Note I took about 8 months to gather parts before I actually started the build process so I did save cash, also I had a friend paint the bike which saved me a couple hundred more even though I am paying him some money for the work.

Base price I payed for the bike was $3700, it began life as a 2003 XB9R, now the only thing off my original bike is basically the motor. It is now a 2007 XB9R. Last year I was paid $3800 by my insurance after the buy back of the bike so I was +$100, then I spent right close to $5000 in rebuilding the bike. I am in the bike a $1200 after my insurance cash was used add that to the bike original cost and I have about $4900 into the bike. Not bad for what I have, also the bike only has 5200mi on the motor.

If you are starting with a fresh bike figure about $5000 will get you close to where I am if you do all the work yourself (I didn't do the paint or powder coat). Obviously I bought items not making it out that I fabed up every part of the bike but you should all get a close idea on cost.

For time, I figured I have about 45 actual hours of dis-assembly and assembly, then probably 5-10 more hours into driving around here and there to get stuff, and another 20-30 hours spent on the internet finding everything I needed. So in all close to 80 hours. I am sure it can be done much faster but I took my time and was in no way in a hurry, well at least not until yesterday when I seen the paint going onto the body pieces.

I crashed May 15th last year and after the insurance was all figured out I dis-assembled the bike on June 5th, so here it is April 29th and I have a complete bike again. So nearly 1 full year of down time, in MI that is about 5 months of not being able to ride, but by the dates close to 1 year.
I guess that was longer then I thought lol. like I said though totally worth the wait right? Be safe man!
Looks awesome, Glad u actually use ur toys. I've always said, build it, use it, rebuild it again if it so happens that way, do it all over again. My m3 track car was always either racing or broken. Always building it, always breaking it, always racing it. LOL,
I like the new look of your bike a lot, I wasn't a fan of the red. Congrats on a good rebuild.
Well made it all of 8mi and had to have Sara come to my rescue. Stopped to pull onto the highway and as I hit the gas the tires spun and the bike went sideways. Looked down and had gas all over. Hit the kill switch and found the fuel line had a pin hole in it. Really glad it happened as I was just sitting there and not going into a turn. Total down time was about 1hr. Not even 1pm and I still have a few hours to ride so I am off.

Here are a couple pics

All loaded up, bank made a perfect loading spot with the small wall behind the truck my ramps were almost straight.

Pin hole

Work bench, glad I had a spare fuel line!
:drool! Sucks about the pin hole in the fuel line, but easy enough fix. Glad it didn't cause you to go down on the fresh bike. Lovin' the truck btw. [up]