Xtremelow's War Horse Build Start to End

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WOW, a women, a hot women that rides to work...
They do exist!!!

And I thought that was just a urban myth
My ex was an RN, she rode a kawi 650r, once every blue moon.
Never to work, she did work grave but we lived all of 10min from the hospital.
And she would complain about there not being enough spots in the parking garage, I'd point to the bike and get the "I know, but".
Got the seat strap for my seat today, put it on for the hell of it, I like the look without the strap but I like the stock look as well, even though the material is fresh leather and CF print vinyl, to look stock I almost wish I would have went straight leather and no CF material. Oh well to late now.





Great project, love all the detailed work, nicelky done! I anted to ask about the GPR stabilizer, it does it;s job? Is it too big, or is it ok. Also, I I install a billet aluminium CNC machined top triple tree, will it still fit?
Also, loving the sound of your exhaust!
was tooling around on youtube for Buell's and came acroos your vid's for the War Horse. Then I searched and found this thread. Awsome bike. Love all the custom touches. Bikes like this is whats going to make me buy an XB next year instead of a 1125R. Sounds good.
Does your company use UniGraphics NX in their supply to GE. Did you model any of the parts first or just fabricate as you went. I have been getting a lot of ideas lately about different stuff for the bikes and would like to start modeling some of them, but I need to get my hands on the original parts for diminsions first. Again cool bike.[up][up][up]
[up] On the build. Saw it his weekend over MotoGP weekend, and looks GREAT in person. X, would you mind if I picked your brain over the winter? Planning on giving mine the royal treatment this winter. Nothing too radical, but a really good cleaning, retorque, frame paint...Ok, so it will be a job :)