ZTL2 worth it over ZTL1 ?

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When you say you have to pull the lever much more, do you mean lever has to travel longer distance before engaging or do you have to pull it harder?

Bike looks great BTW
Thanks !

definitly not harder ! I could pull it with one finger only
The lever has to travel longer distance before hard braking. But, it is "soft braking" right after I begin to pull the lever.

(I hope my english is understandable on that sentance :-D)
What kind of brake pads did you go with?
And you english is fine.

Dont know... The brake pads that came with the ZTL2 caliper part number H1110.1AMZT (from St Paul HD).
I guess those are the guenuine Buell brake pads ?
edit : looks like those pads are nissin pads, Buell part : H0300.1AMB
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I finally had a chance to really try my bike with the new brake... Damn I dont have enough time to do stuff !
Anyways. I feel like the feeling is completely different between old and new brake.
With ZTL and buell rotor, I feel like it was braking more without to pull the lever to much
With ZTL2 and EBR rotor (+EBR fixing kit), I feel like I have to pull more the lever but it is also a lot easy not to brake too much. The feeling is much much better !

So, was it worth it ? Hell no.
Do I regret anything ? Of course not ! It looks way better !! And the brake is also improved !
I finally had a chance to really try my bike with the new brake... Damn I dont have enough time to do stuff !
Anyways. I feel like the feeling is completely different between old and new brake.
With ZTL and buell rotor, I feel like it was braking more without to pull the lever to much
With ZTL2 and EBR rotor (+EBR fixing kit), I feel like I have to pull more the lever but it is also a lot easy not to brake too much. The feeling is much much better !

So, was it worth it ? Hell no.
Do I regret anything ? Of course not ! It looks way better !! And the brake is also improved !

If you had to redo, would you stick with the same set up or try a different master cylinder instead? Something like Brembo RCS15 to improve the feel and control?
If you had to redo, would you stick with the same set up or try a different master cylinder instead? Something like Brembo RCS15 to improve the feel and control?

Honnestly... I dont know. Here are the 2 reasons :
1) I haven't the time to ride my bike enough. I used it only twice since the "mod" is done...
2) Well, without trying a brembo MC, I can't tell.
The right way to do this would be to buy a brembo MC and test it, so I would know if it is better or not. But, well, that MC costs 300€ whereas the Buell ZTL2 MC cost me like 150€. So, if I could have tried both before buying anything, and if it is way better than the stock one, I would buy the brembo MC.

So, well, I guess the answer to your question is : I would do the same now with what I have tried so far.
Honnestly... I dont know. Here are the 2 reasons :
1) I haven't the time to ride my bike enough. I used it only twice since the "mod" is done...
2) Well, without trying a brembo MC, I can't tell.
The right way to do this would be to buy a brembo MC and test it, so I would know if it is better or not. But, well, that MC costs 300€ whereas the Buell ZTL2 MC cost me like 150€. So, if I could have tried both before buying anything, and if it is way better than the stock one, I would buy the brembo MC.

So, well, I guess the answer to your question is : I would do the same now with what I have tried so far.

Great answer Niklos, thanks.
You are welcome !
There is another thing about that I forgot. I don't know where you are from, but, in France, You are not allow to do any mod on the brakes. Actually, even changing brake pads with non Buell guenuine one is "illegal". That mean if you have an accident, the insurance could tell : This is not the way the bike was when it was tested by the country, it is illigal to drive with it, you don't have any insurance.
Fortunatly, the assurances and the cops don't care about the brake pads but they definitly DO care about changing the MC and caliper. I had to go to a special insurance to be be able to get my motorcycle insured. But, still, the cops can give me a ticket because my bike is not the way it was at the beginning.
For that special insurance to work, I had to send some pictures and bills of parts and mounting of the mod to an insurance expert that says if that mod is supposed to be safe for street riding or not.
Back to the Brembo MC : The mod I have done uses only guenuine Buell parts and is actually used on latest buell XB (except the rotor), so the expert could tell easily that this mod is definitly safe as the state did the test of the XB12 2010 which has the same brake system and is pretty much the same bike as the XB9 I have. So if it was fine on the XB12 2010, it is probably fine and safe for street rider on an XB9 2005. If I had used a brembo part, maybe that expert could have said, "Hey, I don't know if that is safe or not => No insurance for you".

Anyways, using guenuine buell parts is probably safer if I don't want to have problems with cops and insurance. Especially in case of an accident.
I ran the ztl2 mc for almost a year. Just upgraded to the 3/4” EBR mc. The EBR mc is a significant improvement. No more soft brake lever. Nice and firm
I don’t think it’s too bad. I have asv levers and a nice bar mount for the reservoir. I’d show you if I could figure out how to post pics
Well, I want my bike to looks as stock as possible. But I also like to have the last Buell technologies !
Actually, the only things that are not stock on my bike are : front brake, K&N filter and ceramic coating on the headers and exhaust (I prefere the way it looked before, unfortunatly, it is the only way not to get it all rusty...)
I bought a brand new xb12 header for my 9 motor project. After a year of riding it still looks good. Seems like if you try and keep it clean it won’t tarnish as bad.
I can lift the back wheel off the ground @ 100 with the combination I run. Must be careful
I bought a brand new xb12 header for my 9 motor project. After a year of riding it still looks good. Seems like if you try and keep it clean it won’t tarnish as bad.

Well, you can clean as much as want, it will get rusty anyways (may take more than a year tho). If it is not on the outside, it will be on the inside. It is suppose to be stainless metal but it is definitly not. Many guys had a bad crack nearby the muffler (which also get rusty)
Well, you can clean as much as want, it will get rusty anyways (may take more than a year tho). If it is not on the outside, it will be on the inside. It is suppose to be stainless metal but it is definitly not. Many guys had a bad crack nearby the muffler (which also get rusty)

I owned my ulysses for 10 years and the header never once got rusty. Wash your bike.
incredibly bad info based on lack of knowledge, personal opinion, innuendo and heresay.
having owned over 25 assorted XB's to date i've never seen 1 spec of rust on any exhaust header. mufflers....yes. headers...no!
the headers are manufactured from a specific metal with high-nickel content. in NO brochures....manuals....advertising...or dealer literature was there ever any mention of them being stainless steel.
a header that cracks ANYWHERE has either been subject to abuse....installed incorrectly by a privateer.... had the stock muffler incorrectly attached to both it and the mounting brackets.....or a victim of faulty front mounting bracket pivot bushings.
if you're going to besmirch and sully the reputation of the buell marque at least know what the hell you're talking about....which clearly you do not.

I will find the sources don't worry :).

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