2-stroke oil experiment.

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the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. The Genesis of our motors came from a time when gasoline was pretty raw. It could be that modern ultra-refined EPA-approved gasoline forces our top ends to run pretty "dry" compared to what the original design was doing with that original gasoline... adding some of that 2-stroke oil "dirties it up" a bit where it belongs (just like the good old days hahha)... maybe its acting as an analog for "gasoline classic"?
Mmmm the leaded days when gas was gas. I'm down I'll try it next time I fill up. It's about time to mix some gas for the weed eater anyway.
Will do my xb12ss has a lot of top end clatter to it. I'm curious to see if it cuts down on the noise some. I've put mixed gas in other things before and it's never been an issue.... my mower runs better on mixed gas why not my xb. I had a honda xl 75 as a kid that I ran mixed gas in all the time that bike ran amazing!
yeah , just don't over-do it. 1 to 600 ratio.. so that's about 3/4 of an ounce in a full XB tank..That is what the Hot Rod car guys are running. as a side note, I found that Redline 20w-60HD or the Amsoil 20w-60 cuts noise down ALOT... and In Florida I can run it all year long. If you listen to my bike in that video you can hear how good it sounds.
This sounds pretty interesting. Do you think this might help with cleaning up the combustion chamber?
Daring: the Hot Rod guys say that it does.. they are running similar bore and compression, some guys running heads like ours , so I think the XB still has a foot planted in the Hot Rod world.. they are saying that it goes in there and lubes stuff up and frees it ..kinda like sea foam.. but they run this **** all the time. One guy claims to have 150,000 miles on a LS-1 engine running this ratio of 2-cycle oil the whole time... he swears by it.

DSH: oh yeah and if you consult the owners manual it says SAE60 at anything above 80F... 20w-60 is even better than SAE because of better cold-starting. I switched to it over a year ago and wont go back, no way. The redline is Harley specific but the Amsoil is probably great too.
I'm new to v twins still learning I know my bike ran better when it was cooler out we have had a few 80 plus degree days already here in Illinois and it's going to get even hotter. I'm going to ask the local shop tomorrow if they can get the ams 20-60 if not the local HD shop will get a call they are 45 miles away.
Harley is going to charge an arm and a leg for it.. try auto zone , advance auto .. they usually have a motorcycle isle and oil for Harleys .. or "cycle gear" if you have a branch near you. I have run Redline 20w-60HD in temps as low as 60F with no problems, easy starting too. Once I put down my obsession with 20w-50, and went to 60 it just smoothed out like velvet.. (as far as Buells go hahah)
ok, so, it's for two completely different opposite ends.
I was trying to stop pinging when hot summer weather bites, but to no avail, I read that the oil cleans the combustion chamber, maybe I should try the two stroke oil???
a few thoughts on all this "adding oil to my fuel" discussion. as with all petroleum products the advancements in quality the past 1/4 century have been remarkable. all the name brand top-shelf 2-stroke synthetic lubes are incredible. keep these traditional ratios in mind: small displacement 2-stroke motors under 100cc typically call for a 32:1 mix ratio which is approx. 3.5 ounces of oil per gallon. outboard motors typically call for 50:1 mix ratio which is approx. 2.4 ounces per gallon. a few low-stressed big-bore strokers can even get away with 100:1 mix ration which is 1.25 ounces per gallon(amsoil promotes this ratio). adding 2-stroke synthetic pre-mix or injector oil to the fuel tank of a 4-stroke certainly will add a bit of lubricity to everything it touches including the combustion chamber and exhaust valve/seat/stem areas. will it "clean" the combustion chamber? marketing-hype and rumor-mill aside i doubt it. are reduced air-cooled engine temps possible? perhaps. the ultimate question in my mind remains this: what pre-mix ratio if you choose to try this will actually generate some sort of positive results....and what ratio has the potential to harm O2 sensors as well as clog injectors? seems a bit of a crap shoot to me but surely is interesting to ponder.
moto: 20w-60 is the best thing I have found for hot weather.. and yeah... detergent would be some kind of solvent , not usually a lubricant .. but anyway, from what I have seen so far, going to heavyweight oil is going to be more effective than just throwing a tad of 2-stroke oil in the gas.. 2-stroke oil is just like the "cherry on top" compared to what 20w-60 is doing for me.

Lunatic: the car guys are saying 1 to 600 ratio for 4-cycle engines.. they report no problems and just better lube on the fuel pumps and top end. .. and these guys are running catalytic converters and many 02 sensors and we aren't so I don't see how it could be a problem for us.
Yeah I was reading that 2-cycle was a monster in rotary, I wonder why? Increased lubrication or better seal between the rotor and the wall?
Basically, yes. The FC's used an oil metering pump to inject crankcase oil into the chambers to lubricate the apex seals. The obvious problem is that it's thick and not meant to burn. Running 2-stroke oil, being thinner, it coated all surfaces much MUCH better to give better sealing of the apex seals to the chamber walls and separate the combustion process from one chamber to the next.

On a stock tear down, you could see where the oil dribbled into the chamber and left streaking on the chrome wall, which also cause uneven heating resulting in warped apex seals and blow-by between chambers.

On a 2-stroke tear-down, the chrome was shiny, no streaking and the engines always ran smoother and felt more responsive.

I'll give it a try on the bike next this weekend (in the truck right now). Seeing as I've got ~30k miles on it, I don't think it'll hurt one bit, will probably be a good picker-upper.
my thoughts that might support this 2cycle oil additive claim. Has anyone else ever bought "marine" Stabil???
it can be added on a regular basis as a additive or at a higher volume as a stabilizer, but the point is!!!! that it looks, smell,s and feels a lot like 2 cycle oil..... put some in the buell this winter while i was winterizing the boat........no ill effects (not surprised)