All of Jobe's XB9 Pic's in One thread

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Embarrassed??   Non existing...?

Nope. I choose not to engage in the penis showing game. Just building my Buell. I no longer communicate with my old Boss. He ripped of me and my friend after a few builds. I just left that part of my life behind. ALot of chopper guys are rip off and scam artists I found out. How do you think they have so much time to build there bike's. Then eventually they get famous and forget all the people that got them there. Like I said before and I will say it again. I am only here to learn about Buells more and show pics of my build. If you really pay attention you will see that I pay high attention to detail and I am a man of my word.

Thank you for doubting. Please drive thru.
Nope. I choose not to engage in the penis showing game.

I believe you mean "the penis comparing game". FYI, this site is mostly viewed by guys so showing off our toys, mods, hobbies etc.. is what we do. (penis comparing) And im pretty sure you have mastered this by posting up every mod you make. Why would it be any different to show the past work you have done.... ESPECIALLY if it shuts up the doubters and quite possibly gains peoples respect.
So confusing!
People are complaining about the "downfall of buellxb"..... Shoot, this shiz is more entertaining than Magnum PI.
So confusing!

Its an emotional part of my past that I dont' want to re-live. Beside's I posted up pics of Bike's I helped on. I learned from Dave Cook. I don't take credit for his bike's or his builds. That's not professional. Yes I was present on many builds. Drank many beers and I help think of different ideas. Building a completly custom one of a kind bike from the ground up is alot of work. ****....he stole electricity, nuts, bolts from the hardware store, and we did whatever to survive. Not proud of any of it. **** this one time he scamed $5000 worth of T-shirts from a guy and never payed the bill.

Yes I had alot of fun but this is not how I choose to live anymore. I work on my bike in my house and my garage. (punk rock style) I dont give a **** what anybody think's. I trust no one. I don't have fancy benders or access to plasma cutters or anything anymore. Its just me, my sawzall, drills, table saw's and my welder Scratch. (Best welder in the Mid-West!) I have been in the detailing and motorcycle business for 15 years. Not long but I have learned a little on the way.

Cheers dudes!

WOW, I have to say being a Mod I had to laugh when I learned this little fact.

Mabach = WALLSXB

A little tool that moderators can use. Low indeed Sir, but hey on the Bright side Mr. Mabach no one else can see what I see[down]Robert

WOW, I have to say being a Mod I had to laugh when I learned this little fact.

Mabach = WALLSXB

A little tool that moderators can use. Low indeed Sir, but hey on the Bright side Mr. Mabach no one else can see what I see

Funny how all three of the guys who said they were leaving the forum are still here in one form or another.
this si funny ****.. back in the day we had a good ol forum run by a bloke who slowly became his own worst enemy. even ended up getting caught out running 4 different user names. and so bad, that he even had conversations between his own' users.

funny ****.
lol NO WAY!!! K Jobe you called it, it was a member using another name just to talk ****. Now you can laugh WITH US cause thats funny as hell!!! :D

WALLSXB [down]
He spelled it ratarded

I actually misspelled it, it is rahtard.

The dimensions of aftermarket pipes are engineered for backpressure and so on.

Its probably Baja jacking my thread again! Go away troll! LOL!
Damn, you caught me.

A little tool that moderators can use. Low indeed Sir, but hey on the Bright side Mr. Mabach no one else can see what I seeRobert
Ohhh big bad moderator powers!!!
Is having multiple screen names illegal now?

Funny how all three of the guys who said they were leaving the forum are still here in one form or another.
I'm assuming you mean me since Dave stated a couple of us were/wanted to leave... I simply talked with Dave off line about leaving because of how non tech this forum is and the nut swingers.
Ohhh big bad moderator powers!!!
Is having multiple screen names illegal now?

Nope not at all but hiding behind them is pretty low. Maybe you might not think so but I am sure many would agree.

And in no way was it a Power flaunt rather, calling him out on posting up with another name and not just stating it was himself not a new member.

nut swingers.

Seems to me you are one of those Swingers. You do put a lot of time into these posts of yours. I guess I need to quote you a few more times to make a point.
Ohhh big bad moderator powers!!!
Is having multiple screen names illegal now?
Dude, bajabomber87, calm down! xtreme was just pointing out a guy who is talking **** and cant even do it under his own screen name. Well played xtreme! [up]