All of Jobe's XB9 Pic's in One thread

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The thing that worries me is when a "how-to" thread is started (like his how to sand a rotor down) as tho he is an expert wo knows what he is doing. Someone new comes along to the forum, reads that thread, and if no one has spoken up to the shear idiocy of the idea then they too will think it to be a good idea.

I've got no problem with Jobe or his bike. He can build whatever he wants to build, and a build thread with all of his ideas and doings is great. What is not great is a bunch of how-to threads on his modifications. We don't need a bunch of hacked up Buells out there.
Dont worry, he will be back.

^^^ haha NICE

The thing that worries me is when a "how-to" thread is started (like his how to sand a rotor down) as tho he is an expert wo knows what he is doing. Someone new comes along to the forum, reads that thread, and if no one has spoken up to the shear idiocy of the idea then they too will think it to be a good idea.

I've got no problem with Jobe or his bike. He can build whatever he wants to build, and a build thread with all of his ideas and doings is great. What is not great is a bunch of how-to threads on his modifications. We don't need a bunch of hacked up Buells out there.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Thats why rep points are there too. They help reassure people that the info is somewhat reliable/dependable.
The fact that he is posting up saying that he is taking a "break" just means he wants to fish for hugs and kisses which, you guys are giving him. Just go Jobe! Come back when you are done posting randomness on every thread and you will gain my respect back.
This thread is called
All of Jobe's XB9 Pic's in One thread
Not Jobes DIY.
Guys I trully understand what u mean by randomness, and safety issues. For these instances simply state.
(Jobe, these are unsafe mods.)
Or if he is doing the random deal, to which he do alot, simply state.
yes^ Nothing, dont write anything. Your words are food, dont feed.
I am not aiding towards Jobe, just the fact that this "situation" has been boiling for some time. My sympathy goes out to those of you that must write this belittlement, not to Jobe.
buelljek, you make a good point, i wish i was as strong willed to keep my mouth shut. Some people just dont get the basics or respect and social understanding on a forum....

I will say that Jobe does do one thing i wish more people did... When he talks about a modification he is going to do, 90% of the time he actually goes for it. Too many people say they are "planning" on doing something to their bike and never do it.
When he talks about a modification he is going to do, 90% of the time he actually goes for it. Too many people say they are "planning" on doing something to their bike and never do it.

as I tell my clients that I train..
"those that can..DO!
those that can'
and the rest just make excuses"
One of his late post below.....

I say chop it up and make it lower. Screw all these safety Nazis out there. Alot of people thought Erik Buell was crazy for putting Gasoline in the frame. Here is my 4 cents...Back off this guy. Let him build his dream bike the way he wants.

His advice to lower a Buell, go ahead and chop the frame up, use inadequate parts with no engineering (or at least careful thought) in it and then comparing it Erik who is an engineer (at the very least has it in his background) and or can come up with ideas and have proper engineers design it.

Anyone ever see the movie "Idiocracy"?

Stomp it out before it happens, castrait'em before they breed.


but not really....


edit: FWIW, I don't like anything he's done except maybe his muffler, but that's just my taste and I realize that. But I do like that he gets things done, I like he does what he wants regardless of other opinions (I like the cosmetic aspect of this, not the mechanical), and I'm impressed with how much he rolled with the punches given to him. Hate how he gives constant advice on subjects he is clueless on (fan thread comes to mind amongst MANY more) and how he ignores facts given to him even when they are repeated time again and even with diagrams.

To each there own. I don't want to see him chased out of here, but I wish he posted a whole lot less, didn't post on things he is clueless on, didn't give dangerous or plain stupid advice and didn't go on and on about things that don't exist (customers and a lot of scratch built anythings).
^^^ lol i also could contribute many "idiocracy" posts by him. Gosh with Jobe on vacation i feel like posting a new thread that he wont kill. :eek:
^^^ when have I ever killed any of your threads??? Actually...I gave you a great deal on my select seat. I tried to be nice to you. Your so wishy washy Onelouge. Or maybe you are just a follower. At any rate. God Bless you.

I think its funny how I got a little attention over my Jardine mod and all the sudden here comes Baja with his "teaser pics" Its like its killing him that someone might be stealing his thunder. F.Y.I. I never intend for that. Bomber also scared away a newcomer from my work with his negative comments. Then Baja comments on my seat saying it would be uncomfortable after a 1000 miles blah blah blah. Meanwhile, His bike has a steel bench that would only be comfortable if you have a sqauare ass! The airbox is cool looking. The key word is looking. Also, his exhaust is not engineered. How will it really perform??? That's why I modded an existing pipe to keep the Buell race theme alive. To me. His bike looks like a circus wagon. He can weld and fabricate but it takes him forever and he has some stupid Ideas. (like the axe back wing??? wtf?) Then he goes on about how he is not build a theme bike. Looks like a duck to me man. Its ok to be a O.C.C. wanna be. I actually met those guys and they are very cool.

On to what really matters. I am staying out of the drama and am only communicating with the mature few on this forum. Stay out of my thread I will stay out of yours.

Ride safe ;)

Bombers bike is not my style, but that aside he is extremely talented and from seeing what he's done with his machine, i would have no problem trusting my dollar to him if i ever needed some kind of metal or welding work done. Perhaps it takes him longer to do some of his work because he plans his work out, uses proper techniques and materials and sees it through while trying to be as perfect as possible. I also dont see any reason why his new exhaust wouldn't perform to satisfaction, I mean, its not like the inside of a jardine can is overly complicated by any means.

This is my last post in response to the on going bash parties. You cant expect people to stop throwing you under the bus when you do the same thing to them. Theres nothing wrong with constructive criticism as long as the response is credible and justifiable. If you got a problem with someone sort it out through emails or something.. its entertaining to some, but if you wanna argue with people hop on youtube.
have a good one.

Ride on ;)
jobe... i find it sad that you were asked to put all your build posts in one thread (country of free speacha nd all that crap and they are telling you were to go and where to say it), yet people like bajabomber and others, and this includes me, can start new threads with no questions.

mate... you hang around and dont worry about the whinners and sooks. no matter what you do or where you go there will be one somewhere. jsut keep posting your site and having fun with your ride.
I can't believe I just wasted my time replying to this, but here it goes

I think its funny how I got a little attention over my Jardine mod and all the sudden here comes Baja with his "teaser pics" Its like its killing him that someone might be stealing his thunder.

Do you live in some alternate universe or something?

You putting 5 dollars worth of stainless on the tip of a Jardine muffler did NOT cause me to build ANOTHER stainless muffler, I've built a few last year before you ever came around. Nor was I afraid of you stealing my "thunder"...there's a few of us who build mufflers, 2 of us build real mufflers, and ones a cut and gut, we all do different things, you're not competition.

Bomber also scared away a newcomer from my work with his negative comments.
I told the guy to run away because you're a hack and he seemed new who didn't know any better.

Then Baja comments on my seat saying it would be uncomfortable after a 1000 miles blah blah blah. Meanwhile, His bike has a steel bench that would only be comfortable if you have a sqauare ass!

I mentioned your seat would feel fine at first then you'd get over it because you don't have enough padding. I've BEEN there DONE that. Just because I have a piece of foam for a seat pad (like most race bikes and since my bike is half replicated from an old cafe style race bike) doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. I don't have a square ass, but my seat was never designed for traveling cross country, it's a short trip bike, I can do a 2-3 hour trip before needing a break and you'll have a sore ass at the end of the day.

The airbox is cool looking. The key word is looking.

Hot damn, you got something right finally, the body work is obviously for looks, scoops ability to draw in cool air is negligible. Did you engineer your silicone'd and finish bondo'd in scoops? Doubt it.

Also, his exhaust is not engineered. How will it really perform??? That's why I modded an existing pipe to keep the Buell race theme alive.

Engineering doesn't make something like a muffler flow or sound a certain way to a normal person(real company...maybe some flow programs on a puter), trial and error is the way to go. This is why companies have R&D departments, that is research and development if you didn't know. And a Jardine is not "Buell Race" at all, you put a tip on a muffler, you did nothing to affect its performance.

He can weld and fabricate but it takes him forever

I have this thing called a job, I can't sit at home all day like you doing your "mods". And doing real fabrication work takes a good amount of time and the homework before/during and testing after all take time. I can't just spit a complete bike out in a weeks time with the small budget I have for toys.

like the axe back wing??? wtf

Do you mean the cardboard wing I taped on my bike? You're bitching about something that never got past carboard and tape part of the build?

then he goes on about how he is not build a theme bike.

It is a theme bike, but a modest one at that, and it shows. Considering there is nothing airplane related (yet)on the bike besides aluminum body work, and only some USAF logo's and pinup girls will be put on.

Its ok to be a O.C.C. wanna be.

Yes, everything about my build screams OCC

On to what really matters. I am staying out of the drama and am only communicating with the mature few on this forum. Stay out of my thread I will stay out of yours.

Well that sucks, you're on a forum, and no one listens to you or your demands.
I am cool just chillin' in my little corner of the world.

I also dont see any reason why his new exhaust wouldn't perform to satisfaction,

It is possible it might with a dyno tune. The dimensions of aftermarket pipes are engineered for backpressure and so on. It may seem simple but it is actually very complex. I did not **** on him in his thread. I actually complimented him even tho I disagree. I choose to be positive instead of actually de-gradeing someone in there own thread. Even after my compliment Baja called me retarded. He spelled it ratarded. LOL!

I won't get into Baja and what I think of his style or his Manner. I won't slander him even tho he told my to go jump off a bridge and wished I would get into a motorcyle accident. If I lashed out at him it would make me no better.

So it is what it is. I am just a builder. I love my BUell and will stay in my little corner. Feel free to ask me any questions about my build as I am alway's happy to help. I will continue to post pics of my project's. ATM I only have time for little details. The final push will come when I get my taxes. Cheer Buellers. Stay positive.
Been observing this site for awhile and I am totally confused by the ass kissing given by some to this nut job Jobe Zeebuh ,this person cannot be real. How could one person be so F'ing ignorant and still be alive to talk about it ? I highly doubt he is a " fabricator " as he has stated before judging by his skills or lack there of , and wasn't he going to leave for awhile but keeps making stupid post . I was told about this site from a few members on here and have to say this site is an embarasment to the Buell name.
I was told about this site from a few members on here and have to say this site is an embarasment to the Buell name.

with a hand full of douche bags there are thousands that appreciate my work. I am not here to post pics of previous work. I am leaving that behind me. You wanna talk **** go ahead. Just go start your own thread about it.
This Macbach fella is a fake. Click on his name and see that he only has one post! Its probably Baja jacking my thread again! Go away troll! LOL!
Been observing this site for awhile
Learn to read Mr. Zeebuh . I've been biting my tongue for a few weeks reading this stuff and have to let it out. You thrive off of this negative attention you have brought upon yourself. People have tried giving you constructive criticism and you jump their ass , you have zero respect for people and probably where the odd kid on the short bus in school.