Just wondering if any one has thoughts on the following:
Start the bike (see the Vtwin symbol) it goes out in 5 seconds start the bike.
After bike started 5 seconds later (symbol or CEL light if you will) comes back on.
Ten seconds after it comes back on it goes off and all set until the next time the bike is started.
I even tried not starting the bike after the light goes off the first time and saw this sequence play out --- so the starting or not starting of the bike makes no matter. Bike runs great and this is fairly new 3,000 miles 6 months of ownership. Just wondering if this is indicative of an issue that will soon worsen or if it is just the OBD having some memory lapses? Thanks very much for any thoughts on this....[cool]
Start the bike (see the Vtwin symbol) it goes out in 5 seconds start the bike.
After bike started 5 seconds later (symbol or CEL light if you will) comes back on.
Ten seconds after it comes back on it goes off and all set until the next time the bike is started.
I even tried not starting the bike after the light goes off the first time and saw this sequence play out --- so the starting or not starting of the bike makes no matter. Bike runs great and this is fairly new 3,000 miles 6 months of ownership. Just wondering if this is indicative of an issue that will soon worsen or if it is just the OBD having some memory lapses? Thanks very much for any thoughts on this....[cool]