Bicycles........ leg power type

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One thing is for sure, mountainbiking is not cheap, you get what you pay for...

For sure!

I am accustomed to the 7 thousand plus set ups now days. Some of the orders i build for people are above that.
A shop near me builds custom 29'er bikes and some of the bikes they build are insanely cool light and EXPENSIVE!

One bike was lighter than most of the road bikes they carry!
I wish I could afford one!
Maybe I can get one after I finish my degrees and have a new job for a while, I really want a nice XC bike.

I still can get closeouts from C'dale, and they've dropped their prices even more. Check out the rz120 series. rz120 4's are avail if you are looking for a nice but price friendly ride. Pm for the cost if you are interested.

so who uses clipless pedals and why should i switch. idk why im asking because i know the answer. its just really hard for me to think of giving up my platforms.

im going to do some mtb races this summer. i ride a kona hoss right now. thinking about going to a full suspension. looking at the fuel ex or remedy. as much as i want to be i dont think im badass enough to justify the remedy. i would imagine a fuel ex can handle a pretty big drop. ive done drops of prob 3 or 4 feet on my hardtail.
I'm not sure if you NEED clipless on a mountain bike, I'm switching to clipless for my cyclocross bike to pick up my cadence because it's super low. On the trails it never really mattered how I peddled and crushing worked for me, "spinners" would dog my technique till I started to pull away from them. But from what I'm told it just won't cut it on the road. I'm also riding rollers right now and have picked my cadence up to about 65 so far. The only benefit I see to clipless on the trails is a higher bunny hop, and depending on where you ride it may not be of any help.
I know guys that race who use them as to not waste energy as they will still be pedaling and generating momentum on the up part of the pedal stroke, my wife has them on her road bike and after she finished her triathlon she commented something to the effect that she understands why some people like them on their mountainbikes...

I respect her opinion due to the fact that she is my wife and when we ride DH her skill set is so high its like I am waiting for a bus..

Def something to get used too, especially when coming to a stop
What is a good dual suspension moutnain bike that is resonably priced....actually cheap. lol I want to get a bike that i can hit up some trails on and have quality...but not a 2k price tag.
The only benefit I see to clipless on the trails is a higher bunny hop, and depending on where you ride it may not be of any help.

it sounds like everyone who commented on the clipless pedals feels about the same as me. you guys talked me out of it for now. i do love my platforms but those steel pins are not shin friendly. the bunny hop doesnt matter i already have ups. i have been told the main benefit is being to pull and push on the pedals.

What is a good dual suspension moutnain bike that is resonably priced....actually cheap. lol I want to get a bike that i can hit up some trails on and have quality...but not a 2k price tag.

i was just looking at a nice trek fuel ex for about 1400 in the bike shop. also look at gary fisher, kona, specialized, giant, norco, scott. basically anyone will have a xc full suspension bike that comes in under 2k. go to your local bikes shops and see what they have and talk to them.
people are on track about clippless vs. platforms. The biggest advantage is what kona pointed out... push and pull! You are way more effective when you can pull.

I myself only use clippless on my lightweight trail bikes. My main style of riding is more Freeride and downhill oriented. I would never use clippless for thos applications haha.

Anyways. I still have a **** ton of bikes avail on closeout. Just pm me and I will see what I can do.
Most every model of cannondale rz120's and 140's are still avail.
if you're looking for a bigger hit bike motos are avail too... some 09 models and 2010 models.
Redline, check out your local shops and see what they have, if you dont see anything you like get at me :)
alright here is a few things for you guys to think about ;) on lower price models the discount isn't as great as the really high end ones.. but.. still pretty good. These are my fellow bueller prices, they are negotiable--within reason. I will include a additional 25 bucks to ship.

2010 RZ 120 3 $1550 shipped (msrp 2500)
2010 RZ 120 4 $1,099 shipped (msrp 1800)
2010 RZ 140 3 $2045 shipped ( msrp 3,300)
2010 RZ140 3Z $1800 shipped (msrp 3,700)
2010 RZ140 4 $1340 shipped ( msrp 2400)
2010 RZ140 5 $1000 shipped ( msrp 1800)

Now, the big boys ;)

2010 Flash Carbon Ultimate $6400 shipped (MSRP 9,000)
2010 Flash Carbon 1 $ 4,800 shipped (MSRP 6,000)
2010 Moto Carbon 2 ( these are bad ass, I have a one (=) $2,599 (MSRP 5,000)
2010 moto 3 $2,250 (MSRP 4,000)
2010 Moto 4 $1,690 (MSRP 3,300)
2010 moto 5 $1,390 (MSRP 2,500)

2009 Moto Carbon 1 $3,550 (MSRP 6,500)
2009 moto Cabon 2 $2,800 (MSRP 5,000)
2009 moto carbon 3 $1,999 (MSRP 3,900)
2009 Moto 4 $1499 (MSRP 3,200
2009 moto 5 $1299 (MSRP 2,400)

exhale.. haha.. lots of numbers. I can also pretty much get any part on the planet.

I would prefer if anyone is interested they email me at jsbishop84 at g m a i l. c o m

Only users that have been a member of the forum for a couple of months are eligible at this time. The last forum I did this on people would see the thread, join even though they have no interest in the forum just for the price.

Heres a couple of dumb pics of me with various bikes i've accumulated over the past year or so.

Thanks guys :)


The GRAVITY PIT! You bombed down one side and it slung you up a hill just as big on the other side. ;) fasssst



The perp! my fav big hit bike i have ever had!

Oh, almost forgot. I have on of my personal bikes on ebay right now. Found another direction i want to go for this season so its gotta go.. and i just built it. Build price retail would be in the 5000+ range.

I've ridden this bike outside around town on pavement a few times.

asking 4,400 obo

buellers will get a better deal ;)

hers the ebay link.
As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
generating momentum on the up part of the pedal stroke

I noticed this on my first ride with my road bike. I never used clip-less before and thought how much of an advantage it could be
You guys have balls!

Yeah, jump on a pedally bike and hit a few jumps sooner or later you wish you didnt have them, damn things hurt bad smacking the seat or top rail[smirk]
Holy ****! You guys have balls!

sadly they leveled and made the whole mine area that the gavity pit existed in a ******* field . I spent four years there making lines and some pretty epic drops.. sad to see it go.. crazy tho, 20 years of mining washed over in 2 months....